A design of the automatically feeding system for Granule packing machine
This design is about automatic feeding system of packaging machine. Granule packaging machine feeds small products through the measurement into the packing bag, and then packaging system to finish packing. It could greatly improve the production efficiency,and reduce labor intensity.
This design mainly research materials for structure design and packaging material feeding system. Determined firstly by packing machine production capacity to complete material metering device size, thus completing the material supply. To determine the route followed by packaging materials to finished packaging material guide roller position feeding.
Packaging material forming the main design particles this design packaging machine and feeding system, including the supply roller, and sent packing material guide roller, forming device; material supply system, including the hopper, measuring device, guide groove; and the metering transmission system. This design uses a drum type metering device for trunk shaper and it improved better than any other types which exist in this society.
This design can improve the packaging performance, such as simple structure, light weight, small size, low cost of equipment, operation safety, convenient operation, and easy to repair and management for users.
Key Words: granule packing machine; shaper; meter

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1题目背景和意义 1
1.2国内外发展现状 1
1.2.1国外发展现状 2
1.2.2国内发展现状 3
2 包装机概述 6
2.1产品包装概述 6
2.2包装机的分类 7
2.3包装机的组成 8
2.4颗粒包装机的工作原理 9
3 方案设计及选择 10
3.1物料供送系统结构方案 10
3.2包装材料供送机构方案 12
4 机械部分设计 15
4.1计量装置设计计算 15
4.2生产能力计算 16
4.3制袋成型器的选择和设计计算 17
4.3.1常用成型器 17
4.3.2成形器的结构尺寸计算 20
4.4引导装置 24
4.5轴的设计 24
4.5.轴的结构设计 24
4.5.2轴的强度校核 26
4.6电机的选择 27
4.7其他零件的设计 28
5 总结 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31