摘 要
数控机床及由数控机床组成的制造系统是改造传统产业、构建数字化企业的重要基础设备,它的一直备受人们关注。数控机床以其卓越的柔性自动化的性能、优异而稳定的精度、灵捷而多样化的给功能引起世人瞩目,它开创了机械产品机电一体化发展的先河,因此数控技术成为先进制造技术中的一项核心技术。另一方面,通过持续的研究,信息技术的深化应用促进了数控机床的进一步提升在借鉴和参考大量有关刀库的机械结构后,结合实际情况,决定采用链式刀库双手式机械手换刀方案,根据机械设计与机械原理等有关知识对JCS-013型数控卧式镗铣床刀库进行设计,采用AutoCAD 2007中文版对刀库及关键零件进行绘制。
CNC horizontal boring and milling machine tool structure design
Since the 1990s,CNC machine technology has made the rapid and universial development,as a new era of the representatives of NC machine tools.
Faced with the pressure of market competition, how to improve the mechanical manufacturing industry production efficiency is the priority among priorities, and the knife, to reduce the mechanical processing tool changer used time, greatly improves the production efficiency. CNC horizontal boring and milling machine is a kind of automatic tool changer and arbitrary indexing turntable digital control machine tool, workpiece can automatically complete the various processes in several side in a fixture.
CNC machine tools and manufacturing system composed of CNC machine is an important equipment to transform traditional industries, the construction of digital enterprise, it has attracted a lot of attention. CNC machine tools to performance, the flexible automation excellence excellent and stable accuracy, celerity and diversified to the functional attracted worldwide attention, it pioneered the development of mechanical products mechanical and electrical integration precedent, so the numerical control technology is a core technology in advanced manufacturing technology. On the other hand, through continuous research, information technology applications to promote the further deepening of CNC machine tools.
According to actual condition,I introduce the chain knife library of robot hands cutter replacement plan after referencing to the vast library mechanical structure of the sword.According to the Mechanical Design,the Mechanical Principle and other relevant knowledge,there are some designs about JCS-013 type nc horizontal boring and milling machine tool store and I have drew the key parts of library using AutoCAD 2007.
Keywords: machining center; Tool house;NC

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1本课题在国内外的研究动态 1
1.1.1刀库产品目前的水平 2
1.1.2刀库系统的发展趋势 2
1.1.3刀库系统的发展方向 3
1.2课题的目的、意义和开展研究工作的设想 3
1.2.1课题的目的 3
1.2.2开展研究工作的设想 3
1.2.3课题设计方案的选择和设计手段 4
第2章 刀库传动系统设计 6
2.1刀库主要设计参数 6
2.2刀库驱动液压马达的选择 6
2.2.1刀库负载转矩TF计算 6
2.2.2确定液压马达转数 8
2.3齿轮设计参数 9
2.3.1 选择齿轮材料、热处理方法及精度等级 9
2.3.2 按齿面接触疲劳强度设计齿轮 9
2.3.3主要参数选择和几何尺寸计算 11
2.3.4 齿根校核 12
2.3.5 轴的设计 13
2.3.6滚动轴承的选择与校核计算 18
2.3.7 键联接的选择及其校核计算 19
第3章 链参数计算 21
3.1传送链的设计 21
3.2链式轴的设计 22
3.3轴承的选型及校核 24
3.4链强度计算 26
3.4.1 链传动的运动特性 26
3.4.2 链传动的动载荷 27
3.4.3 链传动的受力分析 28
3.4.4 滚轮接触强度的计算 29
第4章 刀库准停系统的设计 30
结 论 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34