摘 要
关键词: 升降机构;JCS-013数控镗铣床;液动机;滚珠丝杠;手架;离合器;
CNC horizontal boring and milling machine tool storage manipulator lifting mechanism design and analysis
With the development of NC,the automatic tool changer system is more and more important in the modern advanced manufacture,because the ATC can shorten the cycle time of product manufacturing,improve the precision of product machining.The latest requirements of machine tool user comprise of diversification of control object,complexity of process,flexible of application and high reliability.The function of tool magazine is that stores the tool and moves the tool
which will be used in the next manufacturing process to the right changeover position and robot will finish the change over tool.
CNC horizontal boring and milling machine is a automatic tool change device and arbitrary indexing of digital control machine tool nc rotary table, After a clamping workpiece can automatically complete several profiles of a variety of machining process. CNC horizontal boring and milling machine tool storage manipulator lifting mechanism by the Liquid motive, The ball screw vice, Reduction ear, Friction plate electromagnetic clutch, etc. Understanding of knife library manipulator lifting mechanism performance requirements ,The understanding of the principle of operation of knife library manipulator lifting mechanism, Structure design and calculation analysis, Liquid motivation drives the ball screw rotation, lead frame hand movement, By slowing down and clutch and screw brake, make hand aircraft parked in knife position accurately,
Good design can bring about quick replacement knife tool in library, improve the processing efficiency of machine tool.
Key words: Lifting mechanism; CNC horizontal boring and milling machine ;Liquid motive ;Ball screw;Hand; Clutch;
2 数控卧式镗铣床刀库机械手升降机构设计
a. 了解刀库机械手升降机构的性能要求;
b. 了解刀库机械手升降机构的工作原理,进行结构设计和计算分析;
c. 设计指标:液动机带动滚珠丝杠转动,带动手架运动,通过减速和离合器吸合,丝杠制动,使手架准确停在换刀位置;
d. 应用CAD系统对系统零件和装配的设计。

1 绪论 1
1.1数控镗铣床的结构组成 1
1.2国内外数控机床的发展 2
1.2.1国内外数控卧式镗铣床的现状 2
1.3数控机床的发展趋势 5
1.3.1高速化、高精度化、高可靠性 5
1.3.2复合化 6
1.3.3智能化 6
1.3.4柔性化、集成化 6
2数控卧式镗铣床刀库机械手升降机构设计 7
2.1 设计目的 7
2.2 设计内容 7
2.3升降机构的组成和运动 7
2.3.1升降机构的组成 7
2.3.2 手架升降机构的运动 8
3 升降机构驱动电机 9
3.1 升降电机的选择 9
3.1.1 升降电机的理论分析 9
3.1.2升降电机的选择 10
3.2 电机调速 11
3.2.1 变频调速原理 12
3.2.2变频器选型时要确定以下几点 12
4摩擦片式电磁离合器的选用 13
4.1转矩特性 13
4.2动作特性 14
4.3散热特性与寿命 14
4.4摩擦片式电磁离合器的测试方法 14
4.4.1静力矩的测定 14
4.4.2动力矩的测定 14
4.4.3空转力矩的测定 15
4.4.4残留力矩及力矩消灭时间的测定 15
4.5选用电磁离合器的注意事项 16
5 滚珠丝杠副的选用 17
5.1滚珠丝杠副的工作原理 17
5.2滚珠丝杠副的类型 18
5.2.1外循环 18
5.2.2 内循环 18
5.3滚珠丝杠副的传动特点 19
5.4滚珠丝杠的选用指标 19
5.5滚珠丝杠副的设计计算 20
5.6滚珠丝杠的保护 24
6 控制系统 25
6.1模拟式 25
6.2数字式 25
6.2.1行程开关 25
6.2.2接近开关 26
总 结 27
参 考 文 献 28
致 谢 29