摘 要
Transmission system design of medium-sized boat tractor (tractor-plowing boat)
This paper analyzes the purpose and significance of researching this project, and gives a preliminary discussion on the current development and research trends of transmission system of boat tractor. After analyzing the operating environment and the agronomic needs of the boat tractor, this paper shows the selection of clutch and the form of Power Take Off. On these basis, choosing the structure of gearbox and Sub-actuator in system of the boat tractor to determine the transmission scheme. According to the determined transmission scheme, expand the design of gearbox and Sub-actuator and the internal parts in them, including the design of the transmission gears, shaft and shifting device. This design of the four-wheel drive transmission system is primarily based on the current development status of the boat tractor in our Country, to improve the rear-wheel drive three-wheel boat tractor which is now being mainly produced. In this new transmission system, the traction power is increased and it enhances the tractor’s adaptability in the working environment, which can increase labor productivity and reduce labor intensity. The four-wheel drive boat tractor will be the trend of development in this field.
Boat tractor; Transmission system; Gearbox; Sub-actuator
(1) 根据功能要求,确定四驱传动方案;
(2) 离合器的选择;
(3) 变速器的设计计算;
(4) 分动箱的设计计算;
(5) 总装图、部装图、零件图的绘制。

目 录
摘 要 III
关键词 III
1引言 1
1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2本课题的研究现状和发展趋势 1
1.2.1研究现状 1
1.2.2发展趋势 2
1.3课题研究的主要内容 3
2离合器的选用 3
2.1离合器的功用和类型 3
2.2动力输出轴 4
2.3综合分析与选用 5
3 传动方案设计 5
3.1 变速器结构形式的选择 5
3.2 分动器的类型选择 7
3.3 传动方案的确定 8
4 变速器设计 9
4.1 初始设计数据 10
4.2 总传动比计算与分配 10
4.3 中心距的确定 12
4.4 齿轮的设计计算 13
4.4.1 齿轮参数 13
4.4.2 各档齿轮及动力输出齿轮齿数的分配 14
4.4.3 传动装置运动和动力参数的计算 18
4.4.4 齿轮强度的计算与校核 20
4.5 轴的设计计算 25
4.5.1 变速器第一轴的设计 25
4.5.2 动力输出主动轴的设计 26
4.5.3 变速器第二轴的设计 27
4.5.4 其他各轴最小直径的确定与轴承选择 28
4.6 换挡结合套及操纵机构的设计 28
4.6.1 啮合套的设计 28
4.6.2 变速器操纵机构 29
5 分动器设计 30
5.1 设计初步分析 30
5.2 传动装置运动和动力参数的计算 31
5.3 齿轮设计 32
5.4 轴的设计计算 32
6 总结与讨论 33
6.1 结论 33
6.2 讨论 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 37