The Design of biaxial rotary cultivator
Rotary cultivator is one of the main tools in mechanization preparation work. However, the majority of rotary cultivator can’t meet the requirement for crops to grow, the cultivator needs to harrow the soil. Therefore, the working efficiency is not high, the tractor will run on the grand twice, compaction is not conducive to the growth of crops. Based on the domestic rotavator technology, then work out the biaxial rotary cultivator technology to solve this problem. I select the Design of biaxial rotary cultivator as my graduation design topic . In this design program, I Designed the overall structure of the rotary cultivator, transmission system, rotary blade, the four point suspension device , etc . As the width and the power needed are large. By the use of double side gear, the rotation is smooth , the basic structure is symmetric, which can improve the service life. When biaxial rotary cultivator works, the two rotary blade cutter axle rotate at the same time, once to meet the cultivation requirements, which can reduce the times of the tractor compact the grand, improve work efficiency and energy utilization simultaneously.
Rotary cultivator;Biaxial;Drive by double side gear;Design

目 录
摘要 II
关键词 II
1 前言 1
1.1课题要求 1
1.2 旋耕机的研究现状与发展趋势 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
2 旋耕机的总体设计 2
2.1 旋耕机的总体结构设计 2
2.2 传动方式的选择 2
2.3 限深装置的设计 3
3 旋耕刀工作参数的确定 4
3.1旋耕机的工作原理 4
3.2 旋耕刀刀型的选用 4
3.3 旋耕机刀轴速度的确定 6
3.4刀座间距b和弯刀总数Z的确定 7
3.4 弯刀的排列设计 8
4 旋耕机的工作参数 9
4.1旋耕机的功率消耗 9
4.2 传动参数的确定 10
5侧边齿轮箱的参数设计 10
5.1 齿轮的设计校核 10
5.1.1 齿轮的材料 10
5.1.2圆柱直齿轮的参数设计 11
5.2 齿轮轴系设计校核 14
5.2.1 齿轮轴结构设计 14
5.2.2 齿轮轴上结构配置 18
5.3 刀辊轴的设计计算说明 18
6 设计结论 19
7 设计心得 19
参考文献 21
致谢 23