Abstract: This design is the treatment of car washing wastewater system. The water quality characteristics of oil washing wastewater is the main pollutant in car washing wastewater. According to the oil pollutant of car washing wastewater is divided into two major categories: the first is less oil, car washing wastewater with mud and sand, detergent more; the second is oil content, mud and sand, detergent like substances were higher for the car washing wastewater, this kind of wastewater treatment process is relatively complex. The design of car washing wastewater of oil, mud and sand, detergent substances were higher. First through the grille and sewage pool of water particle filter and after the pool that lie between oil processing oil, and then go to mixed agglutination and inclined plate sedimentation tank, sedimentation treatment of small particles of water, finally through the activated carbon removal of chroma and add the disinfectant for water disinfection, can attain the standard car wash again. This design has a good treatment effect, simple process, small occupied area, stable operation,low power consumption advantages. Car washing sewage water treatment system of great benefit, the annual waste a lot of water resources, in order to let the sewage treatment technology effectively realize water saving to ensure water quality may be re washing, automatic control technology used in wastewater treatment, improve the automation level of wastewater treatment has become a key problem in sewage treatment.
In this paper, based on the design of car washing wastewater treatment, considering the process of sewage treatment, investigate how to automatically for sewage treatment, and give full consideration to the operation of sewage treatment system. This paper mainly introduces the oil separation tank, flocculation tank, filter and other sewage treatment process.
Key words: grid oil separator coagulation tank filter water pump clean water tank
本设计假设洗车店是10个车位的,用高压水枪洗车的话,每辆车洗车用水大概100L,洗一辆车要10分钟。每天洗200辆车,每天20吨污水。若流量q=6 m3/h、流速u=0.6 m/s。管径计算公式: d=18.8×[(q/u)^(0.5)]=40.3选择DN40的水管。DN40 外半径48.3壁厚3.5[3]。按平均每天20吨污水进行设计。污水处理2个小时可进行再次利用。洗车场每天工作8个小时,因此污水处理系统容积要在5吨以上。在洗车污水进入污水处理系统前,要有简单的过滤处理,除去沙粒以及树叶的大物体,起到保护污水处理系统不被堵塞以及损坏。

摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 - 1 -
2 系统设计方案的确定 - 2 -
2.1 洗车场数据的设定 - 2 -
2.2 方案的种类及选择 - 2 -
2.2.1 传统污水处理工艺 - 2 -
2.2.2 电解法处理洗车废水 - 2 -
2.2.3 膜生物反应器 - 2 -
2.2.4 沉沙-除油-混凝沉淀-过滤-消毒的处理工艺 - 2 -
2.3 设计流程 - 3 -
3 系统的详细设计 - 4 -
3.1 格栅的选择 - 4 -
3.2 隔油池的选择与计算 - 4 -
3.3 调节池的选择与计算 - 5 -
3.4 水泵的选择与计算 - 6 -
3.5 混凝反应池的选择与计算 - 6 -
3.6 加药系统的选择与计算 - 7 -
3.7 斜板沉淀池的选择与计算 - 8 -
3.8 活性炭过滤器的选择与计算 - 9 -
3.9 清水池的选择与计算 - 10 -
4 总结 - 11 -
5 参考文献 - 12 -
致谢 - 13 -