摘 要
With the rapid development of science and technology, industrial production has become an inevitable trend of the development of automation. Metal resources is also becoming increasingly important for countries. The transition of the existing metal resources mining and unreasonable use of, and are responsible for a large number of metal waste. This naturally caused concern, therefore, scrap metal recycling project has become essential to industrial development and the research direction. The design of the hydraulic metal baling press use hydraulic pressure to compress with packaging, metal scrap has a certain size, convenient transportation, recycling and recycled scrap metal, in order to put into production again. So greatly improve the utilization rate of the metal, the process of the waste is in a certain extent, ease the intense demand for metal resources.
The main content of this design is the design of the hydraulic cylinder and institutions, selection, metal baling press hydraulic principle diagram, electrical principle diagram and superposition valve design, type selection. In this design, the main hydraulic cylinder, side provide compression power for packing machine, replacing the conventional screw. The main hydraulic cylinder face after placed in the compression chamber, lateral pressure cylinder placed in the left lateral compression chamber. The design of the hydraulic cylinder includes cylinder, piston, guide sleeve, piston rod etc. The design and calculation, and the sealing ring, dust ring, piston and cylinder, piston rod sealing mode selection. The design of the compression chamber is mainly to determine the size and intensity. This metal baling press in addition to the main hydraulic cylinder, side, and on the cover, locking mechanism, the front three auxiliary hydraulic cylinder, respectively control with lid closed, in a locking mechanism, the front door open and close. And three auxiliary cylinder and the main work, side two cylinder each cross movement.
This design completed the hydraulic cylinder and institutional design, selection, metal baling press hydraulic principle diagram, electrical schematic diagram and superposition valve design selection. Some of its operations to achieve automation, which improve labor efficiency, reduce labor intensity. The baling press not only manufacturing cost is low, and enterprise need to extensively, have good market prospects.
Key words:Scrap metal recycling、Metal baling press、hydraulic pressure
1.2.1 研究解决的问题
传统的包装机械设备包括传动机构、动力系统以及工作机构。机器运动的能源来自动力系统;而机器的运行是靠传动机构来实现的;然而传动机构的作用是为了让动力源满足运行机构对速度、力、和其他运行功能要求的装置 。
(4)包块密度:≥ 1800kg/m3
打包机的机体设计最基本的任务就是确定合适的机体结构,并且从初始的数据出发,选择合理的结构和大小,最后设计出符合条件的压缩室。因此,对于液压金属打包机的推送压缩块运做程序的分析,是实现本次设计的必要条件 。

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 引 言 1
1.1 文献综述 1
1.1.1课题研究背景 1
1.1.2 课题研究的意义 2
1.2 设计内容简介 2
1.2.1 研究解决的问题 2
1.2.2整体设计方法 2
1.3 本章小结 3
第2章 打包机主体的设计分析 4
2.1 打包机的结构设计 4
2.1.1打包机的运动 4
2.1.2打包机的总布局 4
2.2 打包机压缩室的设计与强度校核 6
2.2.1 压头的强度校核 6
2.2.2 压缩室的设计 6
第3章 打包机液压系统的设计 9
3.1 液压系统的特点 9
3.2 液压系统工况分析 9
3.2.1分析系统工况 9
3.2.2确定液压系统的主要参数 10
3.3 拟订液压系统原理图 11
3.3.1确定供油路线 11
3.3.2液压回路的设计 11
3.3.3 拟订液压系统图 12
3.3.4液压系统原理图的分析设计 12
3.4 液压系统的计算和液压元件的选定 14
3.4.1液压缸的设计计算 14
3.4.2 选择液压元件 19
第4章PLC控制系统设计 23
4.1 PLC控制器的选择 23
4.2 系统控制要求 23
4.3 I/O点数的确定 24
4.4 画电气原理图 24
总 结 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28