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关键词:行星齿轮 减速器
Cooling tower planetary gear box design
Planetary reducer selection of the overall design of the Cooling tower sun round the floating bodies are set, the sun wheel gear coupling with a single high-speed shaft connected to the realization of floating, the floating floating method is sensitive, simple structure, easy to manufacture, easy to install. Round the sun gear coupling with the second half of the outer sleeve teeth into one, with gear designed with the structure of ring gear, planetary rigid frame a better selection of both the overall board structure, with the output shaft flange-type connection, planetary output shaft through the frame with two pins in a symmetrical arrangement to ensure coaxiality. Selection of drum gear coupling tooth gear coupling, gear coupling crown gear axis to allow the two larger angular displacement, load-bearing capacity is relatively strong, and easy to install and adjust.
Keywords: Planetary gear Reducer

1 前言 1
1.1 选题的依据及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究概况及发展趋势 1
2 技术任务书 2
2.1 已知条件 2
3 设计计算 3
3.1行星轮的结构设计与计算 3
3.1.1选取行星轮传动的传动类型和传动简图 3
3.1.2行星轮传动的配齿计算 3
3.1.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数 4
3.1.4装配条件的验算 5
3.1.5传动效率的计算 6
3.1.6减速器的润滑和密封 10
3.1.7 齿轮强度验算 10
3.2行星架的结构设计与计算 17
3.1.1行星架的结构设计 18
3.1.2行星架结构计算 18
3.2齿轮联轴器的结构设计与计算 19
3.3轴的结构设计与计算 20
3.3.1输入轴的结构设计与计算 21
3.3.2输出轴的设计计算 22
3.4铸造箱体的结构设计计算 23
4.使用说明书 24
4.1安装使用 24
4.2维修保养: 25
5 标准化审核报告 25
5.1 产品图样的审查 25
5.2 产品技术文件的审查 25
5.3 标注件的使用情况 26
5.4 审查结论 26
结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28