来源 资料编号:WK710475 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK710475
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摘 要:本设计针对现有圆形喷灌设备中存在的推广难、成本高和喷洒均匀度低等缺点,采取了一系列的改进设计。设计出了适合条带喷灌设备的支架。本设计的条带喷灌机喷头支架成本低、使用方便、适合固定喷灌与移动式喷灌。
关键词:喷灌 支架 喷头 条带喷灌机
TDJ-1 Banding watering machine nozzle design
This design the promotion which exists in view of the existing circular spray irrigation equipment in difficult, the cost high and sprays the uniformity low status shortcoming, has adopted a series of improvement design. Designed has suited the banding spray irrigation equipment the support. This design banding watering machine nozzle support cost low, the easy to operate, suits the fixed spray irrigation and the motion type spray irrigation.
The spray irrigation technology application realizes the agricultural university water used main action. The spray irrigation is one advanced spraying of water method, the spray irrigation technology was in recent years very quick in the domestic and foreign development, was the farmland irrigation development direction, has become the agriculture modernization the important constituent. It has many merits, more and more widely has been applied in the agricultural production. As the large population poor water country, is occupying the economic development development phase, saves the water used and realizes the highly effective water used, says especially in the water consumption quite big agricultural production aspect, is guaranteed the agriculture develops continually an important measure, has the vital strategic significance.
Keyword :Spray irrigation Support Nozzle Banding watering machine
2.2 产品的用途
2.3 产品的工作原理
底座有四个半径大小为10 mm的孔,可以在车载喷灌时与车上相对应的底板,用管件固定连接与固定板焊接在一起的丁字分管支架可以支撑,固定软管与总管,喷灌固定板上的四个错位夹子,固定连接喷管,在对不同作物进行喷灌时,作物之间的行距也是不一样的。喷灌必须可以伸缩,才能具有对不同作物喷灌的功能。喷灌固定板上的四个错位夹子可以使喷灌根据作物的行距,左右伸长或缩短,左手轮主要起固定固定板在支架上的具体位子,右手轮可使喷管支架变换角度,以达到最佳工作角度,本产品简单易用,满足不同作物,不同时期,不同环境的需要。

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1发展抗旱节水灌溉的重要意义 1
1.2我国喷灌技术的发展现状 3
1.3 主要研究内容 5
2 技术任务书(JR) 5
2.1 设计任务书 5
2.2 产品的用途 6
2.3 产品的工作原理 6
2.4 国内外同类产品水平对比分析 6
2.5 关键问题及解决方法 8
3 设计计算说明书 9
3.1 喷头喷管支架的分析 9
3.1.1 对不同作物的喷灌要求 10
3.1.2 在固定与运动状态工作 11
3.1.3 对于作物不同生长期的喷灌要求 12
3.2 支架整体构造与设计 13
3.2.1 支架上固定零部件的设计 13
3.2.2 底座的设计 14
3.2.3 支杆的计算与设计分析 15
3.2.4 喷管固定板的设计与分析 15
3.2.5 丁字支架的设计与分析 16
3.2.6 固定块的设计分析 16
3.2.7 手轮的使用 17
4 使用说明书 18
4.1 安装使用方法 18
4.2 保管与维护 19
5 标准化审查报告 19
结 论 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 23