摘 要
关键词 翅片散热管;绕制机;电动机;轴承。
Along with development of the air-conditions and refrigeration industry, the requirement for fin tube is increasing. As special product equipment of aliform radiator pipe, it can’t adapt the requirement of market competition only by importation. So it is necessary to use advanced technique of demestic and oversea for reference and design a new automatism curling machine to adapting the requirement of market.
This paper is Setting out from function request of special caliduct curling machine, After refer to large numbers of books and related literature of curling machine, the design of automatism curling machine is put forward, and its curling principle, technics process and disposal are confirmed.
The task roots in the cooperate exploitation item between Harbin sirocco machine produce factory and Harbin university of science and technology. This design will resolve the curling problem of half machining and half handworking, advance the stability of product quality, and increase curling variety and specification of fin radiators, depress labor intension of manipulator, and realize function of stepless adjusting to product pitch, program managing, parameter early-setting, automatism or handworking and so on. It can advance enterprise production and automatization, and enhance enterprise competition on the market.
Keywords radiator pipe aliform ; curling machine

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 3
1.3 研究的目的和意义 4
1.4 本文研究的内容 4
第2章 总体设计 6
2.1 设计要求 6
2.2 绕制原理 8
2.3 工艺流程 9
2.4 总体布置 10
2.4.1 基本要求 10
2.4.2 布置形式及选择 11
2.5 运动计算 13
2.6 动力计算 15
2.6.1 压紧力的计算 15
2.6.2 钢管转动的有效功率 16
2.6.3 总传动效率 16
2.6.4 主运动电机功率 17
2.6.5 进给运动电机功率 17
2.7 本章小结 17
第3章 主要零部件设计 19
3.1 床身设计 19
3.2 自动上料装置设计 20
3.3 托架设计 21
3.3.1 托架结构 21
3.3.2 托架功用 22
3.3.3 托架工作过程 23
3.4 下料装置设计 23
3.5 绕制装置设计 24
3.6 本章小结 25
第4章 主要零部件的选择、计算与校核 27
4.1 电机的选择 27
4.2 同步齿形带的计算 27
4.3 齿轮齿条传动 29
4.4 矫正装置中弹簧的设计计算 30
4.4.1 选取材料和确定许用应力 31
4.4.2 计算曲度系数k 31
4.4.3 计算钢丝直径d 31
4.4.4 弹簧中径D2 31
4.4.5 弹簧有效圈数n 32
4.4.6 弹簧的几何尺寸 32
4.5 液压缸设计计算 33
4.5.1 液压缸的设计概述 33
4.5.2 液压缸的计算 33
4.6 轴承的计算与校核 35
4.6.1 寿命计算 35
4.6.2 静载荷计算 36
4.6.3 许用转速验算 37
4.7 本章小结 37
结 论 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 40
附录1 译文 43
附录2 英文参考文献 46