This topic design a small smoke stem cutting machine. Our country has been an agricultural country, and now the number of farmers still accounts for more than three 5 of the population in our country. However, our country agricultural scale is quite backward. For smoke sticks way of harvest, in foreign countries have been able to fully mechanized harvesting, under the condition of our country most of the tobacco stalk still use manual harvest, harvest efficiency underground and the waste of labor. In today's fast-paced, highly developed social productivity, agricultural mechanization replace manual agriculture is the inevitable trend. This topic is in this context.
The smoke stem planting and terrain and abroad are very different, our country's tobacco stalk gardens have greatly small, is not standard, which makes foreign high accuracy high efficient harvesting equipment is not suitable for national conditions of our country. My design is based on a simple and practical, economic and efficient of the goals and objectives. Tries to use the most simple and effective structure play is suitable for most individuals to tobacco growing agricultural households use mechanical cutting equipment.
In this paper, according to the main direction of the research design and technical requirements, this paper introduces the different tobacco stem cutting cutting effect of the main structure and structure respectively the working principle of the use of existing equipment and engine size parameters and cutting machine use Pro/e 3 d modeling was carried out on the cutter structure, and to construct a complete comprehensive analysis of the cutting machine performance, strength, prove that the design of the cutting structure is reasonable.
Key words: tobacco; Smoke stem; Cutting mechanism; Pro/e

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
1.1 烟秆切割机构的研究目的和意义 1
1.2 目前国内外切割机械的研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外切割机械的研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内切割机构的研究现状 1
1.3 烟草在我国种植的特点 2
1.3.1 我国烟草的种植分布 2
1.3.2 烟草收割的技术难度 2
1.4本文研究的主要内容 2
2 切割机构的选择 4
2.1 往复式切割器 4
2.2 螺旋切割器 5
2.3 双圆盘旋转式切割器 5
2.4 单圆盘旋转式切割器 6
3 烟秆切割机介绍 7
3.1 总体结构 7
3.2 主要工作原理 7
4 设计主参数确定 9
4.1 主机动力 9
4.2 切割转速确定 9
4.3 变速箱传动比的确定 11
5 主要机构设计 12
5.1 切割机构的设计 12
5.2 传动机构的设计 12
5.3 强度校核 13
5.3.1 转动轴的强度校核 13
5.3.2 皮带的强度校核 14
6 总结 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19