摘 要
关键词: 提升机;齿轮;蜗杆;机械设计
Manpower hoist in our country there is no patent application, using the most modern society is the electric hoist motor drive, the design of structure is the traditional and innovative ideas combining with the results. Human hoisting machine is used for building exterior wall decoration and outdoor power equipment installation of special equipment, such as human in the case of no power supply can be easily manipulated, thus conveying material and up and down to fill the absence of the product series, the structure design, simple structure, convenient operation.
Because of its easy installation and removal, the structure solid, safe, reliable and widely used in mining, smelting, docks, and construction industries, to enhance the transport of materials and products for use. The hoist is suitable for conveying powder, granular and non-small-block mill and grinding of small materials, such as: coal, cement, stones, sand, clay, ore and so on。
This topic is in view of the mechanical principle, mechanical manufacturing technology, material mechanics, theoretical mechanics, the level of gear and worm drive, secondary optimization design of gear transmission, transmission parts assembly structure design, and other detailed analysis of several common institutions, choose the right solution for design calculation.
This design content including level gear transmission, the secondary gear transmission, wire rope winding, drive shaft, worm drive. With what they have learned knowledge of engineering graphics and 3 d drawing UG draw assembly drawings, and part drawing, realize the whole movement.
Key words : lifting machine;gear;worm;mechanical design

目 录
摘 要 III
目录 V
1 绪论1
12 国内外的发展概况 1
13 提升机的概述 1
14 本提升机的构架和原理 1
2 传动机构的设计计算4
21 确定传动装置的总传动比4
22 确定传动装置分配传动比4
3 齿轮的设计6
31 齿轮设计的一般步骤6
32 主动轴齿轮传动的设计计算6
33 从动轮齿轮传动的设计计算10
34 蜗轮传动14
4 箱体的设计16
5 轴的设计18
6 轴承的校核30
61 主动轴上的轴承校核30
62 中间轴上的轴承校核 31
7 润滑密封设计32
8 联轴器设计 33
9 总结 34