关键字:调速器 调速器箱 柴油机
Governor and the former Shell tool design process
Abstract:The graduation project topic is the former governor shell processing technology and tooling design. I am committed to the former governor shell process and tooling design, the former governor tank shell is an important part. Governor parts are installed in the shell, mainly through the governor control of dynamic components of the speed box movement. Governor is used to keep the engine speed and stability. Changes in the process of loading the diesel engine, its speed will change accordingly. When the speed is reduced, if the governor does not adjust, engine eventually stopped; when the speed increases, if the governor does not function, can not afford diesel will eventually damage the centrifugal force is too large. The role of governor is to keep the engine speed stability. Another governor can maintain the minimum speed and maximum engine speed to prevent the extinction and low speed running at high speed when the "speed", resulting in mechanical damage. Running, engine load is carried by the ever-changing. When the load changes, especially sudden changes, the need to maintain the engine speed stability. Governor is a device that automatically maintains speed stability. Diesel engines for power generation, asking them to speed almost constant in the synchronous speed, the speed characteristics of the governor demanding. The governor is the governor before the shell of workplace (governor mainly installed in the shell.) The technology and equipment design is reasonable will be directly related to the pump can work properly, thus affecting the governor's performance.
Keywords: Speed governor Governor Box Diesel engine
