摘 要
Gear cover cap is a kind of general machinery, applied in mass production, have considerable effect, mainly play a protective role of products! It can avoid impurities into the machinery, and it can protect the operator safety greatly. So the design of the cover cap requirement is very high!
This paper is to design topic, put forward by the production of the practical need of society! Lid is designed according to you to configure the size of the mechanical equipment. This processing and the front end of the gear cover cap is not neat appearance. But we are easy to processing by CNC milling machine . In the process of programming arc command with a little more. Processing holes only need to select the corresponding twist drill, some need to tapping.But big holes we need on the boring machine for processing!
This article on the fixture design still had time. As a result of our parts are thin-walled parts and it has irregular shape. So increasing the difficulty of fixture design. We are the first choice is through a clamping positioning hole and use one side of the two pins. This is also a common way of clamping, due to our roughness requirement is not high. So it’s positioning can meet our processing. A set of fixture is not able to very good processing, so we also adopt the hydraulic system drives the second fixture, it’s easy to work out more accurate parts!
Last hope the design of the fixture can achieve the desired design requirements, and can achieve good effect in practical application.
Key words: milling machine; boring machine; drilling; fixture;
2.2 零件结构分析
2.3 零件技术要求分析
3、罩盖上两孔∮88 、∮80内壁粗糙度要求为Ra=3.2um;
4、罩盖上端面5-M10螺纹孔有位置度要求φ0.4mm ;

目 录
摘 要 III
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 1
1.3本课题应达到的要求 1
2 分析零件 3
2.1 零件作用 3
2.2 零件结构分析 3
2.3 零件技术要求分析 3
2.4 零件的三维造型 4
3 确定毛坯零件类型 7
3.1 毛坯选择 7
3.2 铸件加工余量 7
4 拟定工艺路线 8
4.1 零件表面孔加工方法 8
4.2 工序的合理组合 8
4.2 加工顺序的选择 8
4.3 确定工艺路线 8
4.3.1 工艺路线一 8
4.3.2工艺路线二 9
4.3.3 最终工艺路线三 10
5 选择定位基准 11
5.1 粗基准选择 11
5.2 精基准选择 11
6.确定机械加工余量,工序尺寸 12
6.1 各工序加工余量 12
6.2 确定各工序加工余量和基本工时 13
7.夹具设计 26
7.1 镗夹具设计 26
7.1.1镗夹具的选择与设计 27
7. 1.2夹紧机构定位方案的选择 28
7.1.3夹紧机构方案的选择 29
7.1.4夹具体的设计 30
7.1.5对刀装置 30
7.1.6夹具操作简介 30
7.2 铣夹具设计 30
7.2.1铣夹具体的选择与设计 30
7. 2.2夹紧机构定位方案的选择 31
7. 2.2夹紧机构夹紧结构的分析 31
7.2.3铣夹具定位基准的选择以及误差的计算 32
8 结论与展望 33
8.1结论 33
8.2不足之处及未来展望 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
附录 36