来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK718993 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK718993
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摘 要
【关键词】珩磨 工艺 进给量 夹具设计
This paper mainly introduced in honing rod machining process and fixture design of the size of the first hole, on the technical analysis of the connecting rod body parts, and the formulation includes selection of processing technology, including cutting consumption and basic man hour of each process calculation and so on. In the development process, make sure the process of connecting rod small head hole of installation and the steps necessary step, feeding machine and the processes of machine tools, machine tool spindle speed and cutting speed and cutting depth.
Honing rod mechanical processing technology and fixture design of the size of the first hole of the design, will be the spirit of "high", "high quality" principle, through the analysis of the technology of the workpiece, proposed to calculate cutting consumption and basic man hour process planning, fixture design, and then.
[Key words] feed honing fixture design

目 录
一、绪论 1
1.1机械加工工艺与夹具设计的必要性。 1
二、工艺规程设计 3
2.1连杆的加工工艺 3
2.1.1确定毛坯的制作形式 3
2.1.2 加工工艺方案的确定 4
2.3生产批量的确定 5
2.4连杆机械加工工艺路线的制定 5
2.4.1定位基准的选择 5
2.4.2、加工经济精度和加工方法的选择 7
2.4.3、工序顺序的安排 8
2.5确定机械加工工序卡内容 10
2.5.1、机械加工余量及工序尺寸的确定 10
2.5.2、连杆珩磨小头孔工序图 11
2.5.3、工时定额的计算 12
三、珩磨连杆大小头内孔夹具设计 14
3.1珩磨连杆大小头内孔夹具定位方案的设计 15
3.1.1珩磨连杆大小头内孔加工要求的分析 15
3.1.2工件在夹具中定位 16
3.1.4夹具在机床中定位 17
3.1.5加工精度的保证 17
3.2珩磨连杆大小头内孔夹具夹紧方案的设计 17
3.2.1正确夹紧的原则 17
3.2.3选择夹紧机构 18
3.3夹具总体方案设计分析 18
3.3.1夹具总体结构设计 18
3.3.2夹具总体结构分析 19
3.4夹具的使用说明 22
3.5夹具的技术经济性 23
结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26