摘 要
Procedure Regulation Compilation and Fixture Design for Mechanical Processing of Lifter Box
The subject is the process of machining process, machining process design and the design of the machining fixture used as a discipline, practice the performance requirements are relatively strong, requires to practice and production closely linked together in the learning process, also has the strong comprehensive performance,
The design of the hydraulic valve body parts of the process and the preparation of special fixture:
The first step, the hydraulic valve bracket parts to process considerations, the content is the study of the function of the hydraulic valve bracket parts and special fixture, the study of the hydraulic valve bracket parts to know Hydraulic valve parts of the basic situation, and the research process can understand the support to the processing of workpiece surface and machining requirements. According to the mechanical hydraulic valve bracket parts diagram given requirements, processing form finalized hydraulic valve bracket parts of the blank and blank size.
Secondly, considering the selection of machining surface, rough machining process of machining the benchmark and the benchmark finishing. According to the design basis to determine the good, process of preparation of parts of the program, the general preparation of two mechanical processing technology scheme, after 2 processing scheme comparison and research, and then select It is a reasonable working procedure to meet the requirements of the machining parts by taking the geometric shape of the workpiece and the precision of the machining dimension and the precision of the shape
Finally, according to the final processing scheme, calculated every steps of cutting dosage and processing the basic working hours, processing machine and tool and select appropriate parts and for rough machining, but also check the power machine. Then the design process for the drawings.
Through the above overview, the whole design is basically completed
Key words: machinery; machining process; special fixture design
2 分析升降器箱体的零件图
2.1 升降器箱体工艺性的分析
2.1.1 升降器箱体结构功用分析
2.1.2 零件结构工艺性分析:
1 有利于达到所需求的加工质量
2 有利于减少不必要的加工面积
3 有利于提高劳动生产率
3)铣19mm底平面, 定位的基准为背面与侧平面,保证工序尺寸19mm与光洁度为6.3
2.1.3 主要技术的条件:

目 录
摘 要 i
1 绪论 1
2 分析升降器箱体的零件图 5
2.1 升降器箱体工艺性的分析 5
2.1.1 升降器箱体结构功用分析 5
2.1.2 零件结构工艺性分析: 5
2.1.3 主要技术的条件: 6
2.2 确定毛坯的结构 7
3 升降器箱体的加工工艺设计 8
3.1 选取加工基面 8
3.1.1 粗基准的选择 8
3.1.2 精基准选择的原则 9
3.2 零件各加工部位加工方法的选择 9
3.3 加工顺序的安排 10
3.4 制定工艺路线 12
3.5 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定 14
3.5.1 毛坯的种类分析 14
3.5.2 毛坯的加工余量 14
3.6 设备及其工艺装备确定 15
3.7 确定切削用量及基本工时 16
4 夹具设计 29
4.1 夹具设计要求 29
4.1 .1 设计夹具的基本要求 29
4.1.2 对夹具体的要求 29
4.3 铣升降器箱体底平面夹具设计 30
4.2.1 引出问题 30
4.2.2 原始质料的研究 30
4.2.3 选择使用定位的基准 30
4.2.4 研究计算切削力与夹紧力 31
4.2.5 研究误差和计算 32
4.2.6 夹具设计及操作的使用要说明 33
4.3 镗φ70孔φ95夹具 34
4.3.1 研究原始质料 34
4.3.2 定位基准的选择 34
4.3.3 切削力及夹紧分析计算 34
4.3.4 误差分析与计算 36
4.3.5 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 37
5 总结 39
参考文献 41
外文文献 43
中文翻译 48
致 谢 52