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摘 要
Title Gearbox Shell Drill Machine Design
This time the design requirement is pay attention to quality and efficiency, now not only to confirm guarantee the quality of the parts to be processed, at the same time also need to be able to make the production efficiency is growing up, which can make the cost of production can be cut down. We need to deeply on the part drawing of the gear box shell structure with detailed analysis, and then to be able to detailed analysis the process of the gear box shell, a detailed analysis in the process of the whole processing requirement for technology as well as to the accuracy of analysis and explanation. Finally, for the design of the special machine tool, which can be the base of the gear box shell bottom hole machining fixture design analysis, the request for the entire production, need to consider the process of design, also want to consider the design of clamping apparatus.
Key phrase: gear reducer; processing technology ; special machine design ; Tongs design

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
绪 论 5
一、 组合机床的概论 5
二、机床设计意义、内容、要求 5
1、设计的意义 5
2、设计内容与要求 5
第一章 零件分析 6
一、箱体的结构特点 6
1、尺寸较大 6
2、形状复杂 6
3、精度要求 6
二、箱体的材料、毛坯 7
1、毛坯种类的确定 7
2、毛坯的形状及尺寸的确定 7
第二章 齿轮箱壳体加工工艺过程及分析 8
一、齿轮箱箱体的机械加工工艺过程 8
1、主要孔 9
2、主要平面 9
3、其他加工 9
二、齿轮箱加工的工艺路线 9
1、加工方法的选择 11
2、加工阶段的划分 11
3、加工顺序的安排 12
第四章 组合机床总体设计 15
一、被加工零件工序图 16
1、被加工零件工序图的作用与内容 16
2、加工工序图的规定及注意事项 16
二、加工示意图 16
1、加工示意图的作用与内容 16
2、选择刀具、导向及有关计算 17
三、机床联系尺寸总图 19
四、生产率计算卡 21
第六章 设计齿轮箱底孔夹具 23
一、设计任务分析 24
二、设计方案论证 24
1、定位基准的选择 24
2、夹紧结构的确定 24
三、切削力及夹紧力的计算 24
四、结构分析 25
五、夹具的公差 26
1、制订夹具公差的基本原则和方法 26
2.无直接关系的夹具尺寸公差的制订方案 26
结 论 26
参考文献 27