摘 要
Process design and fixture design of mechanical machining of connecting seat
Lathes, is a particularly important part of the machine manufacturing industry. In this graduation project, I need to design a connecting block, the design of the processing technology and related to the design of the fixture. This graduation project has a great impact on me, so I have a lot of mechanical processing technology and fixture design.
This thesis is the design of drilling jig, the drill is used to drill holes with diameter of Φ7. The first step, we analyze the shape of the parts as well as process, to determine the size and tolerance of the blank, and blank design out. The positioning reference is selected, the method of surface processing is determined, and the processing steps are planned. And then, to write out the processing technology. Choose what tools, fixtures and measuring tools to choose from.
Key words:Connecting seat; part analysis; working procedure design; special fixture design

目 录
摘要 IV
Abstract V
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义及国内外发展情况 1
1.3本设计主要内容 2
1.4论文的组织结构 2
第二章 零件的分析 3
2.1零件的形状 3
2.2零件的工艺分析 5
第三章 毛坯设计 7
3.1毛坯的选择 7
3.2毛坯尺寸和公差 7
3.2.1确定毛坯尺寸 8
3.2.2确定毛坯尺寸公差 8
3.3设计毛坯图 8
第四章 制定加工工艺路线 9
4.1拟定比较两种工艺路线 9
4.2拟定工艺过程 11
第五章 工序设计 13
5.1机床的选择 13
5.2工艺装备的选择 13
5.2.1刀具的选择 13
5.2.2夹具的选择 13
5.2.3量具的选择 14
5.3确定机械加工余量 14
5.3.1确定加工余量的方法 14
5.3.2影响加工余量的因素 14
5.3.3确定加工余量 15
5.4工序尺寸及公差的确定 16
5.5切削用量的选择 16
第六章 基本时间的确定 21
6.1时间定额的定义 21
6.2时间定额的组成 21
6.3工时定额的计算 22
第七章 夹具设计 23
7.1 钻床夹具设计 23
7.1.1 定位元件的选择 24
7.1.2夹紧元件的选择 26
7.1.3切削力及夹紧力的计算 28
第八章 结论 29
8.1总结 29
8.2体会 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31