摘 要
LF804 gearbox shell processing technology, and milling fixture design
Manufacturing equipment. Degree of advanced manufacturing equipment can let us have a higher production efficiency. This project is LF804 gearbox shell processing technology, and milling fixture design. After analysis and comparison, the selection to more efficient, more economical process. Process illustrates the design method and process of several kinds of machining process card. Because the transmission case can be mass production, so choose the combination machine tools machining center production line. I design the special fixture milling machine and its related components are consulted a large number of books, through their understanding, understanding, and get the theoretical knowledge of their own.Encounter various difficulties in the design, through its own unremitting efforts, finally finished with a two pin positioning, clamp clamping fixture, although there are many shortcomings, but after his set foot on society, laid a good foundation.
Key words: transmission box,craft,fixture

目 录
摘 要 II
1 前 言 1
2 零件的分析 3
2.1 工艺方案分析 3
2.2 确定生产纲领 3
2.3 传动箱箱体技术要求 3
2.4 毛坯的选择 5
2.5 定位基准的选择 5
3 工艺路线拟定 6
3.1表面加工方法的确定 6
3.2加工顺序的安排 6
3.3机械加工顺序的安排原则 6
3.4工序的集中与分散 7
4 夹具设计 14
4.1方案分析 14
4.2铣床夹具的定位方案 14
4.2.1定位元件 14
4.2.1定位元件 14
4.2.1定位误差的计算 15
4.3夹紧机构的设计 15
4.4夹紧力的确定 15
4.5对刀装置的设计 15
5 结论 16
6 总结和体会 17
参考文献 19
致谢词 20