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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK73285 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73285
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摘  要
个人数据交换PDI(Personal Data Interchange)每时每刻都进行着,可以是两个人面对面、通过电话或网络的信息交流,同其他人一起的信息共享。通过纸质名片,或者电子名片来进行信息的交换。
该课题研究首先围绕vCalendar结构,阐述了什么是vCalendar,产生过程以及应用范围。对其组织结构和主要字段:DTSTART、DALARM、DTEND等在结构中作用,以及各属性取值,编码间的转换作了详细分析;然后结合Motorola L7型号手机,测试出手机特性,功能操作流程、系统编码方式、读取开关、配置信息、数据格式构成等。可以实现操作有:下载、新增、修改、删除。再根据每一功能特性,制定出实现方式。主要是重写基类接口函数,来达到对该手机型号的支持,再把插件加入到软件架构中,设计出能在PC和手机端通信的软件。通过该软件可以对手机中的事件、日程安排进行操作,同时也可以同WINDOWS系统进行数据同步。

The design of the vCalendar`s cross-platform system
Personal Data Interchange (PDI) occurs every time, Two or more individuals communicate in either face-to-face or across wire and internet data. Such interchanges frequently include the exchange of informal information, such as business cards paper cars or Vcards.
The topic is based on the construction of vCalendar, expounded what is vCanlendar, the process of having it and the applications. Especially it explains the histological structure and the function for key fields-DTSTART, DALARM and DTEND,the  value of each attribution and the transforms between the codes; Combined with Motorola L7 to get the property of the mobile-phone, operation flow of the functions, methods of system coding,  switches reading, configuration messages and the forming of data compositions, etc. Effected operations could be: downloading, adding, revising and deleting, and fulfilling the methods with the functional characters, Main point is re-writing basic port function to get the compatibility of the mobile. Then, add the x-activitis into the software, obtain the communications between PC and cell-phone; which can either control the events, schedule in for the mobile, or make the data synchronization with Windows system.

Key words: vEvent; vTodo; Data synchronous; Plugin
该研究方法主要从不同的手机操作系统如:MTK、OBEX、Linux、Windows CE;PC操作系统入手。分析数据在不同平台存在格式,从而为信息新增、数据同步等提供数据段的分析、匹配、格式转换、编码、解码等操作。

目  录    10000字
1 引言    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2 国内外研究的现状    1
1.3 本课题研究的意义    1
1.4 本课题的研究方法    1
2.1字符编码    1
2.1.1 vCalendar 对象    1
2.1.2 编码方式    2
2.1.3 持续时间    2
2.1.4 版本    3
2.2 VEVENT和VTODO 属性    3
2.2.1 声音提醒    3
2.2.2 类别    3
2.2.3 分类    3
2.2.4 时间    4
2.2.5 更改记录    4
2.2.6 优先级    4
3 VCALENDAR实现    5
3.1系统架构分析    5
3.2 .PLUG分析    5
3.3 函数实现    6
3.3.1 配置信息    6
3.3.2 构造函数实现    8
3.3.3数据获取    10
3.3.4数据下载    11
3.3.5数据新增    18
3.3.6数据删除    21
3.3.7数据同步    21
3.3.8析构函数实现    22
结    论    24
参考文献    24
致    谢    25
声    明    26
