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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK714017 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK714017
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摘   要

关键词:大学生;心理健康 ; 症状自评量表 ; 评估系统; 症状
Modern society, people's mental state affecting in all aspects of social life, has become the power source of survival and development. Mental health is a complete learning tasks to ensure comprehensive development, is the basis of academic achievement, career success and happy life. University students as the most active and knowledgeable people in the community, their physical and psychological is in the rapidly changing, in between mature and immature. But in real life, university students are also facing competition, social responsibility and the pressure. To solve the mental health problems, first of all relate to heart health and mental health evaluation. Psychological assessment as a convenient, fast and scientific level of the mental health assessment tool, its role and significance has been widely recognized by scholars.
SCL-90 formed by the 90 projects, reflecting the wide range of psychiatric symptoms, including physical discomfort, emotional, feeling, thinking, consciousness, relationships, habits, and sleep and food content. The system used symptom checklist SCL-90 as the measurement tool. Develop a set of interactive mental health evaluation system, students can more easily check out their current mental state, identify problems and adjusting to life, learning a more stable state.

Keywords: university students; Psychological health;SCL-90; Psychological assessment system; Symptom


摘要(中文)    I
(英文)    II
第一章  概述    1
1.1 问题的提出    2
1.2 开发目的    2
1.3 开发意义    3
第二章  大学生心理健康评估系统的需求分析    4
2.1 大学生心理健康评估系统的运作模式    4
2.2 大学生心理健康评估的方式和步骤    4
2.3 大学生心理健康评估的信息流程    5
2.4 大学生心理健康评估系统的用户角色分析    6
2.5 大学生心理健康评估信息的收集和处理    8
第三章  大学生心理健康评估系统的设计    10
3.1 系统总体构架    10
3.2 系统的功能构成和业务流程    10
3.3 数据库设计    15
第四章  大学生心理健康评估系统的实现    18
4.1 系统实现技术    18
4.2 各模块的实现    23
结束语    28
参考文献    29
