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基于IBM 390的BAL数据更新问题的研究与实现

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基于IBM 390的BAL数据更新问题的研究与实现(14000字)
摘  要
随着商业的发展,越来越多的公司意识到,用大型机来处理大量的商业数据既方便,又具有较高的安全性。它将开放的通讯服务器、分布式数据和文件服务、并行复合系统支持、面向对象程序设计、DCE及开放应用程序接口集成为一个产品。作为优异的大型机操作系统,它具有高可靠性、开放性、持续可用性及安全性等性能。用IBM OS/390大型计算机系统来运行证券系统,无疑是最佳选择。
本次设计的系统是用于在拥有多家分店的用电脑进行操作的企业中,来统计和管理采购处理(从客户买入向各个分店发货)以及销售处理(从各个分店向客户出售)的。 该系统实现的是统计和管理各个分店每天的采购和销售情况,最终将生成采购销售帐票系统。

关键字: IBM 390, 证券, 大型机,COBOL, SPF/PDF, MVS,JCL。
Research and Implementation of BAL Data Updating Based on IBM 390
With the rapid development of business, more and more enterprises realize the importance of mainframe which is more convenient and secure.
Mainframe integrated opening communication server, distributed data and file service, concurrent composite system support, object-oriented program design, DCE and opening application program interface into a product. IBM 390, as the outstanding mainframe operating system, possesses lots of good properties such as high reliability, openness, sustained availability, high security and so on. Therefore, for certificates system to run on an operation system, without doubt IBM  390 is the best choice.
This system is designed to apply in the enterprises which has many branch stores to carry on counting and managing purchase processing (buys up from customer to each branch store delivers goods) as well as sales processing (from each branch store to customer sell). Counting and managing each branch store daily purchase and the sales situation are the main functions of the system.
The theme of this article is mainly about the design and implementation of the system. Chapter 1 as the preface is mainly to introduce the main functions of the system, status quo as home and abroad, and the technical background. The second chapter is on specification of this system, developing environment and preliminary. Chapter 3 is to introduce the IBM mainframe’s developing environment, the developing history of mainframe, and the characters of server. Chapter 4 is COBOL coding and file access. Chapter 5 is needs analysis specification. Chapter 6 shows the description of each module, interface, the core code. Chapter 7 is system testing. Finally, there is a summary of the system.

Key Words: JCL, IBM 390, COBOL, mainframe, certificates, MVS.

目  录
毕业设计(论文)任务书    I
摘  要    II
Abstract    III
目  录    IV
第1章 绪  论    1
1.1 国内外现状    1
1.2 应用范围    1
1.3 技术背景    2
第2章  系统综述    3
2.1 开发系统说明    3
2.2 开发系统概要    3
2.3 开发环境概要    4
第3章  IBM大型机环境    5
3.1 IBM大型主机的发展历程    5
3.2 System/390硬件体系结构    6
3.3大型服务器的特点    6
3.4 System/390的操作系统的特点    8
3.4.1 OSYSTEM/390    8
3.4.2 MVS/ESA    8
第4章 COBOL编程与文件访问    9
4.1 COBOL语言概述    9
4.2 COBOL语言特点    9
4.2.1 语言的结构形式    9
4.2.2 COBOL程序设计的一般过程    11
4.2.3 COBOL汇编过程    13
4.3 COBOL对文件的访问    13
4.3.1 COBOL与文件的联系    13
4.3.2 通过宏GET和PUT来访问数据    14
第5章 需求分析    15
5.1 系统概述    15
5.1.1 系统功能    15
5.1.2 系统要求    15
5.2 功能组成与实现    15
5.2.1作成进货•销售额TRS文件模块    15
5.2.2 JCL生成排序的TRS文件    16
5.2.3库存BAL更新模块    16
5.2.4作成进货•销售额日报    16
5.3系统运行环境    16
5.3.1硬件设备及分布    16
5.3.2软件环境    17
第6章 系统设计    20
6.1 概要设计    20
6.1.1软件开发流程图    20
6.1.2 系统流程图    21
6.1.3 程序流程图    22
6.2 算法设计    23
6.2.1 程序的层次结构    23
6.2.2各个模块的流程图    24
6.3详细设计    31
6.3.1 COBOL编码    31
6.3.2 JCL 编码    37
第7章 系统实现    39
7.1系统生成    39
7.2 测试    40
7.2.1 测试流程    40
7.2.2 测试启动准则    40
7.2.3 本程序的测试结果演示    40
第8章 结论    43
参考文献    44
致谢    45
