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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK73204 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73204
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数据库平台、开发工具分别为SQL SEVER 2000,Visual C#.net。
智能化 ;电梯控制;C#;控制策略
The operation of the elevator of high-rise buildings has been a difficult problem, and good and efficient solution to lift the run has been seeking a solution answer. Operation of the lift is safe and comfortable, efficient, energy-saving are the stringent requirements of the elevator itself. A good elevator control technology is an important guarantee of high quality running of the elevator. To achieve intelligent elevator control will greatly reduce the user waiting time, improve the quality of elevator service. In particular is the peak period of hours up and down the elevator running the specific design of the program, adjust, to make people to reduce their time waiting for the elevator as quickly as possible so that all people in a short period of time to arrive at the destination layer. C # development tools can be intuitive surface activity control interface, analog operating environment, the simulation system running effect.
Database platforms, development tools, SQL SEVER 2000, the Visual C #.
Key words:
[ Intelligent]; [elevator control]; [C #]; [operation strategy]
