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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK73194 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73194
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The quality and safety of agricultural products is important to the health of the people. Improving the quality and safety of agricultural products is significant for accelerating agricultural growth pattern and protecting consumer safety of the urban and rural residents. In recent years, it has been proved that the management of the quality and safety of agricultural products need to establish long-term mechanism to implement the responsibility of management. Yanchi Sheep is a famous mutton brand in China. Establishing the tracing system of Yanchi Sheep is very important.
Through tracing the whole process information of Yanchi Sheep,The regulatory authorities and the consumers can query the authenticity of Yanchi Sheep and Yanchi Sheep can be popularize all over the world. And this paper elaborates the theory and technology needed in the system in detail.
The tracing system of Yanchi Sheep is a management information system of supervising and querying. Using this system, the government can supervise the quality of the sheep and the customers may eat the safe mutton.
Through mobile network and the smart mobile phone, we can use the tracing system of Yanchi Sheep around every place in China, and it is fit for the situation of our country, which is very wide.
Keywords: software engineering


第1章 前言    1
1.1社会背景    1
1.2项目简介    2
1.3滩羊质量追溯的重要性    2
1.4追溯系统的优势    3
1.5功能拓扑图    3
1.6追溯系统建设的主要内容    4
1.6.1制度建设    4
1.6.2标签应用    5
1.6.3人员培训    5
1.7建设的保证措施    5
1.8本文的主要内容    6
第2章 相关理论和技术    7
2.1JAVA语言简介    7
2.1.1JAVA的产生    7
2.1.2Java的发展    7
2.1.3Java的应用    8
2.2硬件数据采集    8
2.3条码技术    9
2.3.1RFID标签    10
2.3.2二维码标签    10
2.4通信与数据传输    11
2.5基础数据库    12
2.6网络安全    12
2.6.1防火墙    13
2.6.2入侵检测系统    14
2.6.3反病毒系统    14
2.7数据安全    15
第3章 系统需求分析    16
3.1系统总体功能    16
3.2经营者信息管理    16
3.3监管者信息管理    18
3.4公文管理    19
3.5养殖管理    20
3.6屠宰加工管理    21
3.7销售管理    23
3.8统计报表    23
3.9权限分配    23
3.10手持RFID终端设备客户端    24
3.11手持二维码终端设备客户端    25
第4章 系统设计    26
4.1系统整体功能架构图    26
4.2通信与数据传输    26
4.3系统主要设备    27
4.4系统类图设计    28
4.4.1加工个体处理类图    28
4.4.2加工批次类图    29
4.4.3加工溯源码类图    31
4.5系统的实现    32
4.5.1养殖管理模块设计    32
4.5.2屠宰管理模块设计    37
4.5.3销售管理模块设计    43
第5章 系统实现    47
5.1宰前检疫及入库模块    47
5.2羊只屠宰记录    54
5.3屠宰出库记录    62
5.4手机终端访问    70
第6章 结论与展望    73
6.1结论    73
6.2展望    73
致谢    74
参考文献    75
