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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK716439 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716439
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 关键词: 阅读器; 微信小程序; We-UI;JavaScript
Design and Implementation of a Reader of Wechat Applet
Abstract:2017 is the first year of the era of Wechat Applet. Since then, wechat applet have made great progress and developed rapidly. By 2019, it has gradually integrated into people's daily life. Users can scan or search the micro-letters directly to obtain small programs to meet users'needs, without downloading or installing applications, which is very convenient. Reader is one of the most commonly used software installed on smartphones, but it needs to download applications, install and uninstall them, which is relatively time-consuming and laborious.At the same time,it can not quickly meet people's immediate reading needs. This paper designs and develops a reader based on the micro-program of Wechat. It only needs to "sweep" in the micro-message and scan the two-dimensional code to read. The system is based on the official framework of the Wechat applet and its component We-UI, and is developed in the official tool of the Wechat applet, the Wechat Developer Tool. The system realizes the functions of user login, book classification, book addition, deletion and reading. In addition, the system realizes the functions of reading background, font size adjustment, day and night mode and horizontal screen.
Keyword:Reader;Wechat applet; We-UI;JavaScript


目 录
1.引言    1
2.开发工具和技术介绍    1
2.1 JavaScript简介    1
2.2 NodeJS简介    2
2.3 We-UI简介    2
2.4 微信开发者工具简介    3
3.需求分析    3
3.1 系统功能模型    3
3.2 数据字典    5
3.3 用例模型    6
4. 系统设计    8
4.1 概要设计    8
4.2模块详细设计    9
4.2.1用户加入书架流程    9
4.2.2阅读模块详细设计    10
4.3数据库设计    11
4.3.1概念结构设计    11
4.3.2 逻辑结构设计    13
5. 系统实现    14
5.1分类浏览    14
5.2加入书架    16
5.3阅读功能    17
5.4阅读设置    19
5.5登录功能    22
6. 系统测试    23
6.1测试环境    24
6.2测试用例    24
6.2.1阅读功能的测试用例    24
6.2.2设置模块    25
6.3测试结果    25
6.4测试结果分析    25
7.结束语    26
参考文献    26
致谢    27
