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摘 要:当前,商业银行作为现代经济的特殊部门,在一国的金融体系中占有独特地位。其健康运行是金融良性发展的关键,而银行监管对于保障银行系统的健康运行具有至关重要的作用。现对我国而言,在新的形势下应该如何加强商业银行的监管,完善我国银行业监管体制,提高监管效率和维护其稳定发展,已经成为监管当局一个核心的问题。因此,本文将从我国商业银行监管的现状及存在的问题进行分析,随后通过英美日等国商业银行监管措施进行比较,总结出对我国商业银行监管的借鉴和启示;最后综上提出完善我国商业银行监管问题的对策和建议。
Study on Chinses Commercial Banking Supervision
Abstract: Nowadays, commercial banks as a special part in the economy,it plays an important part in the financial system of a country. Its healthy operation is the key to sound financial progress, while banking supervision is crucial to guarantee the proper operation of banking system.In our country, how to strengthen the supervision of state-commercial banks, improve the banking system and improve regulatory efficiency and safeguard the stability of the banking industry under the new situation, has become the urgent and critical issue of our banking supervisory body.Therefore,the actuality and problems of commercial banking supervision were analyzed,an international perspective of commercial banks and it's supervising system.The part highlights the measures taken by center banks.Through comparison and analysis,the part try to find out their advantages,and shed some lights on how to improve our supermsion;Also, according to the problems in the present supervision for commercial banks, the thesis provides the available resolve.
Key words: commercial banks;banking supervision; problem and countermeasures