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摘 要:中国信用评级行业诞生于20世纪80年代末,是改革开放的产物。最初的评级机构由中国人民银行组建,隶属于各省市的分行系统。20世纪90年代以后,经过几次清理整顿,评级机构开始走向独立运营。但是在独立的运营过程中,由于我国对信用评级缺乏了解;盲目迷信外国技术,认为美国评级机构比中国的好;美国评级机构持续进行政府高层公关等原因,致使我国信用评级市场过度开放,导致我国难以取得金融话语权,丧失大量国家资产。要维护国家金融安全必须扶持本国评级机构。
Problems of credit rating agencies in China and Countermeasures
Abstract:China's credit rating industry was born in the late 1980s, is the product of reform and opening up. Initial rating agency established by the people's bank of China, belonging to the branch system in various provinces. Since the 1990s, after a few times neatening rating agencies began to independent operations. But in independent operation process, because our country to credit rating of a lack of understanding; Blind superstition, think the United States foreign technology than China's good rating agency; American rating agencies continued government's top public relations etc reasons, causes our country's credit rating market excessive open. Causes our country is hard to obtain financial discourse, the loss of massive national assets. To safeguard the state's financial security must support its rating。
Key words:Credit rating; Hazards; Strateg
目 录 8000字
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、中国信用评级业的发展历程及现状 2
(一)中国信用评级市场只有四家规模较大的评级机构 2
(二)美国评级机构对中国评级市场的掌控 3
二、中国信用评级市场存在的问题及原因 3
(一)对信用评级缺乏了解 3
(二)信用评级机构处于无人管理状态 3
(三)我国信用评级市场过度开放 4
(四)评级公信力不强 4
(五)核心竞争力不足 4
(六)评级增值服务缺乏 4
三、促进中国信用评级市场发展的建议 5
(一)确保我国在国际金融市场的话语权 5
(二)遏制美国信用评级机构的渗控图谋 5
(三)完善内部管理制度,提高评级质量 6
(四)创新服务产品,增强服务意识 6
(五)建立一套科学的评级指标体系 7
(六)打造一支高素质的人才队伍 7
四、结束语 8
参考文献 8
致 谢 9 |