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摘    要


Payback period is the feasibility of the project and investment evaluation of the effectiveness of commonly used methods, it reflects the project's own financial means to repay a total investment of life, and through the investment recovery period is the length of the investment projects reflect the risks and profits Capacity. Therefore the payback period analysis of the factors affecting the investment recovery period is scientifically accurate calculation of the premise. There are four basic investment recovery period: payback period of static and dynamic investment recovery period, additional investment recovery period of static and dynamic of additional investment payback period. However, these basic methods in practical application there are certain limitations, static investment recovery period is not considered the time value of money, dynamic investment recovery period is made up for this deficiency, among other factors, the market changes may not be correct Numerical. Supplementary payback period is relatively the pros and cons of different options, under the influence of different factors may have different results. What are the factors that these? Changes in how they affect the investment payback period ? In addition to the above four algorithms, investment in the project also can calculate how ?
    Based on the above purpose of the impact of investment recovery period, based on these factors under the investment recovery period of model changes or amendments to the trend as a major problem, summed up as follows: These factors include the time value of money, the benchmark yield, investment risk reward Inflation, income tax rates, investment recovery period, fixed asset depreciation. Conducting cross-border investment needed to consider changes in exchange rates, and the host country of some preferential or discriminatory policies.

Key words: investment recovery period, the impact of factors, the benchmark yield,  cash flow



目   录        18000字
摘    要    I
目   录    III
1  概述    1
1.1 研究的目的及意义    1
1.2 研究现状    1
1.3 研究的主要内容    2
2  投资回收期的基本方法    4
2.1 静态投资回收期    4
2.1.1 静态投资回收期模型1    4
2.1.2 静态投资回收期模型2    5
2.2 动态投资回收期    5
2.2.1 普通的动态投资回收期    5
2.2.2 一种动态投资回收期的简捷算法    6
2.3 追加投资回收期    6
2.3.1 静态追加投资回收期    6
2.3.2 动态追加投资回收期法    6
3  影响因素分析    8
3.1 货币的时间价值对投资回收期的影响    8
3.2 基准收益率对投资回收期的影响    9
3.2.1投资风险报酬    9
3.2.2通货膨胀    9
3.2.3资金成本和机会成本    10
3.3 现金流量    11
3.3.1所得税    11
3.3.2 固定资产折旧    12
3.3.3 残值    12
3.3.4回收年限    13
3.3.5全过程现金流量    14
3.4 综合因素影响    15
3.5 一种特殊情况下的投资回收期计算方法    17
3.6 在跨国投资中一些特殊的影响因素    18
3.6.1汇率    18
3.6.2东道国政策    19
4  案例分析    20
4.1 方案简介    20
4.2 考虑几个因素下的回收期的调整    22
4.2.1考虑资金的时间价值    22
4.2.2考虑风险调整和通货膨胀的影响    23
4.2.3考虑投资回收年限    24
4.2.4综合比较    24
5  结论    26
参考文献    27
