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摘 要:农村资金互助组织,(下称“互助社”)是指经银行业监督管理机构批准,由乡(镇)、行政村农民和农村小企业自愿人股组成,为社员提供存款、贷款、结算等业务的社区互助性银行业金融机构。作为新型金融机构,它都是我国农村金融体系的一部分。我国中部地区的农村资金互助社为国家实施“中部崛起”战略,以及繁荣农村金融市场做出了不可磨灭的贡献。因此,进一步分析我国中部地区农村资金互助社有助于我们发现现有组织存在的问题并加以改进,更好的为我国中部地区农村金融服务。
Study on the Development of Rural Capital Cooperative Organization in Central Region of China
Abstract: Rural capital cooperative organizations ,also called cooperative agency., refers to as mutual banking financial institutions providing deposits, loans, settlement business for members that gave birth to the formation of the agency. Necessarily, it should be approved by the supervisal authority. As a new type of financial institution, it is a part of rural financial system in China. Those cooperative agencies have made an indelible contribution to the" rise of central region" strategy, as well as the prosperity of rural financial market in central region of China. Therefore, further analysis of the nature, form, operation target, operation mode and operation stability of rural capital mutual organizations in central region of China helps us find the existing organizational problems and relevant solutions for rural financial services.
According to the samples form the central region of China, this paper reveals that rural capital cooperative organizations can dramatically reduce the transaction fee and significantly satisfy the capital demand of people involved in agricultural production..
Key words: Rural capital cooperative organization; Central region; Agriculture