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摘 要:我国农业保险发展比较缓慢,农业保险发展缓慢的主要原因来自于农业保险各经济主体对风险的认知不足。农民参保意识薄弱,商业性保险公司因害怕亏损不愿出售农业保险,政府对农业保险重要性的认识有了较大的提高,但农业保险体系还不够完善。本文通过分析发现农业保险正常有序的发展需要得到三大经济主体的共同支持,单方面的努力无法取得有效的进展。农民、政府和商业性的保险公司通过利益博弈的方式寻找三者利益和效用比最大化的过程将不断推动我国农业保险的发展和变迁。
Risk and benefits of interaction with the agricultural insurance system changes analysis
Abstract :Our agricultural insurance developed slowly. The main reason of it was: Farmers do not want to buy agricultural insurance. Commercial insurance was afraid of losses and do not want to sell the agricultural insurance. The government imported largely to the agricultural insurance, but have no good policy implementation. We found that the agricultural insurance normally in order to receive three large economic development of mutual support, the unilateral efforts cannot achieve effective progress. Peasants, the government and commercial insurance by way of looking for a three players in the interests of the interests and benefits than to maximize the process will continue to promote the development of china's agricultural insurance and changes.
Key words: Agricultural insurance; Perception of risk; Interests of the interactive; Institutional change