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摘 要:由于我国目前推行的小额信贷追求单一的扶贫目标,缺乏持续发展的动力和条件,我国农村小额信贷的金融意义尚不完整,相当程度上仍属短期政府行为。作为一种金融制度和扶贫机制双重功能结合的政策,逐渐出现后劲不足、效果不尽人意的现象。从我国小额信贷表现出的总总问题看,最根本原因就是我国农村小额信贷的制度环境不完善。因此,本文对我国农户小额信贷存在的主要问题和存在的风险进行了详细的分析,并在此基础上,提出了解决问题的可行性的建议。
Reaserch on Optimizing Environment of the Microcredit
Abstract:Because our country currently pushing mirocredit pursuit of a single goal, lacking of sustainable development, and rural mirocredit financial sense is not complete, to a considerable extent of short-term government behavior. As a kind of financial system and poverty alleviation mechanism of dual function combination, gradually appear policy lagged effect unsatisfactory. From our mirocredit showed total always look, the root cause is our country rural mirocredit system is not perfect environment.Therefore this paper detailed analyzes the existing problems and risks of the rural mirocredit system,puts forward methods and measures to solve these problems,provides the feasible suggestions for the healthy and sustainable development of China’s rural mirocredit.
Key words: rural microcredit system; system entironment;constant development;reform; countermeasure