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摘 要:2009年6月,银监会下发《小额贷款公司改制设立村镇银行暂行规定》,符合条件的小额贷款公司可以改制成为村镇银行。它解决了目前我国小额信贷公司面临的哪些问题,带来了怎样的发展机遇,什么构成了转型的拦路石及其解决问题的方案对策,在文章中都将一一探讨。本文立足时代背景,对《小额贷款公司改制设立村镇银行暂行规定》予以充分肯定的同时,客观审视隐忧及小额贷款公司转型的复杂环境,愿能够以所思所想为转型提供一些可供参考的浅见。
The Research on Transformation of Microfinance Company in China
Abstract : In June 2009, the CBRC issued the "small loan company restructuring Provisional Regulations on the establishment of village banks," qualified small loan company can become a village bank restructuring. It addresses the current micro-credit companies in China which is facing the problem, how to bring opportunities for development, what constitutes a transformation roadblocks and solutions to the problem countermeasures, in the article will explore all. Background paper, based on the "small loan company set up rural banks restructuring Interim Provisions" to be fully affirmed the same time, objective look at hidden and small loan company in transition, the complex environment, would like to be able to transition are thinking to provide for Reference to the trend.
Key words: micro-credit company; financial system; the status quo; strategies