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摘 要:近年来,外债中政府外债迅猛增加,它是由政府借款或提供担保的外债,由国家统一对外举借和偿还,属于主权外债。目前我国已处在还债的高峰期,加强对政府外债的管理显得十分重要和紧迫。本文从外债规模下降、结构单一、“全口径”管理、投向不均、项目单位立项与管理脱节以及财政部无法对其有效控制等问题出发,从而得出我国政府外债管理的实践经验,最优效率的外债管理方法,根据中国经济形势的变化及时调整具体的外债管理原则,加强政府对外债的宏观统一管理,深入研究外债管理问题,具有较强的理论和现实意义。
The Characters、Problems And Solutions Of The Foreing Debt Management Of China's Center Government
Abstract: In recent years, foreign debt, government external debt rapid increase in external debt guarantees provided by government borrowing or by the reunification of the country's external borrowing and repayment, a sovereign debt. At present, China has in the peak period of the debt, is very important and urgent to strengthen the management of government foreign debt. Dropped from the foreign debt, a single structure, "full caliber management, to invest in the uneven, out of touch of the project and management of the project units and the Ministry of Finance can not be its problem of effective control, practical experience and the best to come to our government external debt management efficiency of external debt management. Timely adjustment according to the changing economic situation in China's external debt management principles, to strengthen the macro management of foreign debt, in-depth study of the external debt management issues, with a strong theoretical and practical significance.
Key words: Government debt; The scale of foreign debt; The structure of foreign debt; Foreign debt management caliber; External debt to invest in; External debt project Execution management |