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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK77872 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK77872
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摘  要:本文借鉴国内学者研究引起股价变动因素的理论及方法,运用Excel2003、Eviews6.0,以沪深300样本股为例,通过建立单方程计量经济学线性模型,检测了2011年到2012年间60家上市公司的月股价变动情况也与流通市值的关系,重点分析了不同上市公司的流通市值规模对股票价格波动的影响。从而得出如下结论:上市公司流通市值与股票价格波动无显著性影响,因此在分析股价变动的时候不需要过多考虑其公司的流通市值。

Analyses of the Listed Companies in China Stock Price Changes and Circulation Market Value of the Relationship——Take Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Samples for Example
Abstract: This paper studies the domestic scholars caused share price changes in the theory and method, using Excel2003, Eviews6.0 and establishing single equation econometrics linear model by taking the example of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 samples, examined 2011 years to 2012 years of 60 listed companies on the share price changes also and circulation market value relationship, and analyses the different of the listed company of circulation market value size on the volatility of the stock price effects. Thus the conclusions are as follows: the listed company with circulation market value stock price volatility has no significant effect, so the variation of stock price changes in analysis do not need too much consider its company's circulation market value.
Key words: Circulation Market Value; Month Closing Price; Share Price Changes; Listed Company

目   录
摘要    1
关键词    1
一、前言    2
二、国内外股利理论综述    2
    (一)国内研究现状:    2
1.国内股票市场中流通市值对股价影响的研究    2
2.不同规模上市公司流通市值对股价影响的研究    3
    (二)国外研究现状:    3
三、样本数据来源、选取及处理    4
    (一)样本数据来源    4
    (二)样本数据收集及处理    4
四、计量模型、研究设计及实证检验    5
(一)建立模型    5
(二)回归分析模型检验    5
五、实证检验的结果分析    9
六、结论    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
