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摘 要:随着“中部崛起战略”的实施,长沙市作为中部地区的一个重要省会城市,房地产市场迅速发展,并且带动了众多相关产业的快速发展,为社会经济的发展做出了突出贡献。房地产业作为一个资本密集型行业,其资金来源得益于货币政策的大力支持;然而,金融支持过度可能导致房地产价格的持续上涨,超过居民住房的购买能力,并将可能导致房地产泡沫。
Monetary Policy And China's Real Estate Price Relationship Analysis —in Changsha Area As An Example
Abstract:With "mid rise abruptly the strategy" carry out, Changsha City as the central region is an important provincial capital city, which has the rapid development of the real estate market, and drives other industry's rapid development, making an outstanding contributions to the social and economic development. As the real estate industry being a capital-intensive industry, its sources of funding comes from monetary policy to support energetically; However, financial supportive excess may lead to real estate prices continued to rise, more than residents of housing purchasing power, and will likely lead to real estate bubble.
Numerous studies show that, the real estate market development has a close relationship with
monetary policy financial support. Based on this, this paper use Changsha City as an example -- quarterly data in 2003 to 2009 to empirically analyses fluctuations on the relationship between monetary policy and real estate price ,and put forward some advice.
Key words: Real estate price fluctuations; Monetary policy; Financial support; Changsha City
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、前言 2
二、货币政策对房地产市场发展影响的理论关系研究 2
(一)房地产价格波动影响银行的机制 2
1.房地产价格波动对货币政策风险的基本影响机制 2
2.房地产价格的关键作用 3
(二)货币政策影响房地产价格波动的机制 4
(三)金融支持与房地产价格波动的关系 5
三、长沙市房地产业发展与货币政策的关系分析 5
(一)长沙市房地产市场发展状况分析 5
1.长沙市房地产投资与全社会固定资产投资比例 5
2.长沙市房产销售状况 6
(二)银行对房地产发展的信贷支持 7
1.银行对房地产市场供给者的信贷支持 7
2.银行对房地产市场需求者的信贷支持 8
(三)货币政策形成的投机心理因素对房价波动的影响 9
四、结论与建议 9
(一)结论 9
(二)政策建议 10
五、结束语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13