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摘 要:中小企业的健康发展已成为影响各国经济发展的重要因素,但是在其发展的过程中,由于企业自身的缺陷和外部环境多种因素,导致了中小企业融资难的现状,这已成为制约中小企业发展的最大“瓶颈”.目前,解决这一难题已成为当前的首要任务。本文通过对衡东县中小企业融资问题的深入研究,希望从一个小县城的中小企业融资情况分析延续到整个国家中小企业融资的分析,对我国中小企业的发展有所裨益。
The Research and Analysis of Hengdong County Small Medium Enterprise Financing Problem
Abstract: The healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises has become the important influence factors the economic development of all countries, but in its development process, because its own defects and external environment of many factors, leading to the small and medium enterprise difficult situation of financing, the constraints sme development has become the biggest "bottleneck". At present, solve the problem has become the task. This article through to the small and medium enterprise financing problems's hengdong county further research and want from a small town of small and medium-sized enterprise financing analysis continue to the whole country the financing of small and medium enterprises analysis of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in China at present.
Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Financing; Capital chain
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、前言 2
二、衡东县中小企业融资现状及特点 2
(一)中小企业融资状况 2
(二)融资特点 3
三、衡东县中小企业融资存在的问题 4
(一)中小企业从银行间接融资不足 4
(二)直接融资不畅 4
(三)自我积累内部融资能力不强 5
(四)融资法律意识淡薄 5
四、衡东县中小企业融资存在的问题的原因 5
(一)贷款难、融资成本高 5
(二)中小企业稳定性不强,预期风险高 5
(三)中小企业融资渠道单一 6
(四)信息不对称 6
五、衡东县中小企业融资难的解决方法 6
(一)抓紧组建中小企业担保公司 7
(二)减免中小企业税负 7
(三)拓展中小企业融资渠道 7
(四)加强立法,管理非正规金融的发展 8
六、结束语 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10