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with the development of The Times and rapid development of economy, in the face of international financial insurance industry the development of diversified business model, insurance companies in our country the traditional single business model has been difficult to adapt to market demand, the development of China's financial insurance company diversified business model need to be in line with international standards. As China's economy and raising the level of opening to the continuous improvement of the market economic order, and the diversity of foreign financial insurance company competition pattern has been to the local financial insurance industry caused great challenges and threats, which forced China's insurance industry in the further reform and development, the insurance company must be considered for the transformation of business strategy and to seek new growth points, so our financial insurance implement diversified management pattern is imperative.
Key words: financial insurance; Diversification; Business model
1、 绪论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2概念界定 4
1.3 研究方法 5
2、 中国金融保险公司多元化经营模式选择原因与依据 6
2.1 多元化经营的原因 6
2.2多元化经营依据 6
2.3多元化经营可行性分析 7
3、 我国金融保险公司多元化经营模式的现状 7
4、 我国金融保险公司多元化经营模式建议指导 8
4.1协调多元化经营监管机制 8
4.2完善相关法律体系 9
4.3加强多元化经营信息系统建设 9
4.4建立风险预警和救助机制 10
5、结语 10
参考文献 10 |