来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK712388 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712388
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内 容 提 要
With the rapid growth of cross-border RMB trading volume and settlement, the internationalization of the RMB can be said to have taken a big step. The Chinese government gradually supports the strong position of the RMB, in the international trade and economic development, the promotion of the internationalization of the RMB has become a hot topic can not be avoided. This paper mainly through the process of internationalization of the RMB situation, analysis of the prospects for the internationalization of the RMB, so as to consider the impact of the Chinese economy after the internationalization of the RMB, in particular, the advantages and disadvantages of foreign trade.
Therefore, in the study of China to further participate in the process of economic globalization, the development of China's future financial strategy, the natural need to answer a series of questions: from the development trend, the RMB internationalization? What are the pros and cons of the internationalization of a country's currency? In today's world, what are the benefits of the internationalization of the RMB to the world?
Key words: Ren Min Bi(RMB),advantages and disadvantages, economic development, internationalzation
目 录
一、引言 1
二、人民币国际化的相关概念 1
(一)货币国际化的概念 1
(二)人民币国际化的含义 1
三、人民币国际化的进度 1
(一)人民币国际化的背景 1
1.国际背景 1
2.国内背景 1
(二)人民币国际化的发展历程 2
四、人民币国际化对我国经济的影响 2
(一)人民币国际化对我国经济的正面影响 2
(二)人民币国际化对我国经济的负面影响 3
(三)人民币国际化对我国经济的潜在风险 3
1.微观主体使用本币 3
2.加剧外汇储备 3
3.如何实现区域化目标 3
五、发展人民币国际化的相关建议 4
(一)对我国经济发展有长远影响. 4
(二)在亚洲将发挥更大的经济作用. 4
六、人民币国际化对全球银行的影响 5
七、总结 5
参考文献 5 |