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关键词:农业保险 政府支持力度 参保意识
Agricultural risk management system is one of the three pillars of sustainable development of modern agriculture,is also the key link.So,development of rural insurance market,become the urgent task of development of rural economy,onestabilshing and perfecting the rural social security system,promoting socialist new rural construction has very important significance.Based on agriculture insurance research,analysis of its development.Development and expand the Agricultural insurance market is the difficulty in our country,the Agricultural insurance depends on national policy support;Want to rely on commercial insurance and the national policy of cohesion;Want to rely on cooperation between farmers.The development of our country Agricultural insurance market has great potential,however,many factors influence the development of Agricultural insurance market.Based on the importance to the development of Agricultural insurance market in China and on the basis of the analysis of existing problems,in line with the actual conditions of our country agricultural country,to explore the development direction of our country Agricultural insurance market,Agricultural insurance market development countermeasures are put forward.
Key words:The Agricultural insurance; Capacity of government support; Attends insurance consciousness
一、导论 3
(一)农业保险的发展背景 3
(二)发展农业保险的重要性 3
(三)农业保险可持续发展研究文献综述 4
二、我国农业保险概述 5
(一)保险的发展历程 5
(二)农业保险发展的特点 5
(三)农业保险的现状 6
(四)保险的发展前景 7
三、发展农业保险存在的主要问题 7
(一)农民参保积极性不高 7
1.个人收入 7
2.农业保险的自发性不强 7
3.缺乏对保险公司的信任 8
4.农业保险理赔 8
(二)保险公司在管理上存在不足 9
(三)政府支持力度不够 9
(四)专业保险人才匮乏且技术薄弱 9
(五)农业保险的道德风险较大 9
(一)如何提高农民的参保意识 10
(二)保险公司对开发农业保险市场的对策 10
(三)政府对开发农业保险市场的对策 10
(四)保险人才培养 10
(五)加大农险业务考核力度 10
参考文献 9
后记 10 |