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商业银行业务的发展要求风险管理采取先进的方法和手段。风险识别是风险管理的基础。金融作为现代经济的核心,是银行业的基础,是现代金融业的基础,对一国经济起着举足轻重的作用。从巴林银行的倒闭开始到2007年的亚洲金融危机,从美国次债危机(subprime mortgage crisis)到目前席卷全球的金融危机,每次的金融危机或者经济危机都与商业银行的风险管理不足有着紧密的联系。通过对历次金融危机或者经济危机的研究,我们发现这些研究成果都在不断的指导着我们不断的完善对银行风险管理的优化。现阶段,商业银行在日常的经营管理中,面临着较多的风险,在这些风险中,银行的风险是最重要的一种风险
关键词: 商业银行 风险识别 风险控制
It requires the development of commercial banking risk management to take the advanced methods and means. Risk identification is the basis of risk management. Finance as the core of modern economy, the banking industry is the foundation, the basis of modern financial industry, the economy of a country plays an important role. Starting from the collapse of Barings in 2007 Asian financial crisis, the US subprime crisis (subprime mortgage crisis) to the current global financial crisis, each of the financial crisis or economic crisis and the risk of inadequate management of commercial banks closely contact. Through the study of financial crises or economic crisis, we found that these findings are constantly guided us constantly improve the optimization of the bank's risk management. At this stage, the commercial banks in the daily operation and management, faced with more risk, in these risks, the risk of banks is one of the most important risk
Keywords: Commercial Bank Risk Control Risk Identification
1、前言 5
1.1研究的背景与意义 5
1.2研究的目的和思路 7
2、风险分析和风险识别 7
2.1风险分析的基本工具 7
2.2风险识别及风险识别的方法 9
2.2.1风险识别概述 9
2.2.2风险识别的方法 9
3、风险及风险管理概述 10
3.1风险管理概述 10
3.2商业银行风险管理现状 10
4.商业银行风险的形成原因 11
4.1风险管理文化缺失 11
4.2管理制度失衡 12
4.3人力资源欠佳 12
4.4风险信息不对称 13
4.5技术和环境相对落户 13
4.6金融生态环境不理想 13
5.商业银行风险的控制方法及应对措施 14
5.1商业银行风险的控制方法 14
5.2商业银行风险的应对措施 15
6、结论 17
7.参考文献 17 |