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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712376 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712376
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关键词:汽车金融  问题  发展

With the steady growth of auto sales market in China, auto financing companies are also gradually entered the ordinary people's life. According to the relevant data analysis in the next few years, China's auto market will continue to increase, the second-hand car market has just started in our country, this will be our country automobile financial company to bring huge space for development. Although at present in the domestic market, through the credit account for only a small portion of the automobile consumption, but in front of the huge market prospects, the independent brand of financial company earlier intervention, the more you car joint venture with foreign investment or financial company in the future competition. Therefore, create a favorable environment suitable for the development of China's auto financing company, is the need to paid close attention to and earnestly solve the problem.
The first part of this article to this article research object - first auto finance company has carried on the simple introduction; And then based on two kinds of comparison of various aspects of the main credit, analyzes the present situation of the auto financing company, in our country. The third part of the problem of the auto financing company, in the country, and in the fourth part puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in this paper.

Key words:  automobile   finance   problem   development   cooperation

一、    研究背景及对象    6
(一)什么是汽车金融公司?    6
(二)我国主要的汽车金融公司有哪些?    6
二、    我国汽车金融公司的业务发展现状(与商业银行对比)    7
(一)运转流程    7
(二)汽车金融公司贷款条件    8
(三)资金规模    8
(四)专业化服务    8
(五)风险管理方面    9
三、    我国汽车金融公司面临的主要问题    9
(一)法律法规不健全    9
(二)信贷风险问题突出    10
(三)存在政策风险    10
(四)汽车金融公司的资金实力小,不能有效地促进汽车消费    10
(五)汽车金融方面人才的缺失    11
四、    我国汽车金融公司良性发展的对策措施    11
(一)完善政策法规,改善法律环境    11
(二)加强汽车金融公司与商业银行的合作    12
(三)防范汽车金融公司风险,建立完备的风险管理体系    12
1、构建个人信用体系    12
2、建立全国性的个人信用网络    12
3、加强风险评估体系建设    13
(四)企业的自身建设    13
(五)发展汽车金融公司业务,拓宽融资渠道    13
(六)引进和培养汽车金融高端人才    13
五、    我国汽车金融公司的未来    14
六、    总结    15
七、    参考文献:    15
