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摘 要:北京城是座具有三千多年悠久历史的文明古都。北京博大深厚的文化气息世人瞩目。北京民俗文化更是源远流长,以北京胡同四合院为中心的民俗文化线路受到中外游客的追捧,但目前由于管理不到位等原因,尚存在伪民俗、定位不当等影响民俗旅游资源使用及开发的因素,制约民俗旅游的发展,本文将从开发、营销策略等角度来思考北京民俗旅游资源的利用。
关键词: 北京民俗文化旅游;旅游资源的开发;胡同游 ;民俗营销
Statu And Marketing Strategy Of Beijing Folk Tourism
Abstract:Beijing is an ancient city which has a long history and properous civilization over 3,000 years.The profound culture of beijing attract worldwide attention. Beijing folk custom culture what make hutong culture as the central line is well-established, receives the Chinese and foreign tourists to pursue on.But recently,for the reason of bad management,there appeared some phenomenon like staged folk culture, unsuitable market location exerte bad inffulence in developing and exploring folk culrure tourism resource.This article focus on the devoloping, government management and other ways to think how to make full of use in Beijing folk culture tourism and the marketing stratages.
Keywords: Beijing folk culture tourism;devoloping of tour resource; Folk_custom Marketing