来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK77128 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK77128

关键词:民营企业; 投资行为; 投资评价; 投资效益; 责任中心
Research on Problem and Countermeasure of investment of JiuJiang Wire Company Limited
China's economy has entered a new cycle, the normal production and business activities is the core mission of every business, production and operation activities from an economic point of view is essentially an asset management as much as possible access to resources paid a behaviors. But may also ensure the completion of the normal production and business activities, the use of the various funds can be released in the asset management in accordance with the law for a variety of investment. Economic reform, the Government is no longer the only investment entities. With the continuous deepening of the national economic reform and market-oriented continuous improvement, business investment accounts for the proportion of the total investment in China continues to increase. This national economy of the iron and steel basic industries and pillar industries, the investment prospects of the industry is worth an investor note. The role and status in the new economic cycle is very important. Therefore, our actual situation on the iron and steel enterprises to invest in research. The level of China's economic development is investment-led, business investment is not only related to the success or failure of the enterprise itself, but also to national competitiveness and the strength of macro-economic scale size, and risk-resisting ability. In this paper, a series of investment behavior of large-scale private enterprise - Hebei Iron and Steel Group Jiujiang wire for the content of their investment problems in-depth analysis, showed that the company's financial structure, market status, ownership status and the risk-benefit co-exist with the enterprise market potential, exports and R & D expenditures are closely related. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the management and control, and further improvements.
Keywords: Private enterprise;Investment behavior ;Investment evaluation;Investment benefit ;Responsibility cente
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4研究方法和框架 3
1.4.1研究方法 3
1.4.2 研究框架 4
2 企业投资相关理论的概述 5
2.1 投资的定义和种类 5
2.1.1 投资的定义 5
2.1.2 投资的种类 5
2.2 企业投资管理的方法和作用 7
2.2.1 企业投资评价的基本方法 7
2.2.2企业投资管理的作用 8
3 九江线材有限公司投资管理现状调查 10
3.1 企业简介 10
3.2九江线材有限公司投资现状分析 10
3.3九江线材有限公司投资存在的问题 13
3.3.1公司对投资管理认识不足,重视不够 13
3.3.2投资环境不完善 13
3.3.3投资管理方法不科学 13
3.4 九江线材有限公司投资管理存在问题的原因分析 14
3.4.1决策层缺乏科学的决策理念 14
3.4.2投资决策过程设计阶段的单一性 14
3.4.3投资决策程序混乱 15
4 加强九江线材有限公司投资管理的措施 16
4.1加强投资管理人员的培训 16
4.2建立科学高效的投资管理制度 16
4.3组建责任中心 17
5 结 论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
毕业设计(论文)知识产权声明 21
毕业设计(论文)独创性声明 22
附录 23