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关键词:法律信仰     危机    法治

On China's legal crisis and its belief in the rescue
Legal belief is people treat the law as a religion of the pious attitude, it is the psychological basis of the rule of law and internal driving force. China's current legal existence of the crisis of faith, their ideology is the root of traditional Chinese culture in the law as a punishment and fear of the law, Zhu Xing Fu Germany to the concept of many people underestimate the role of law, the system is rooted in the rule of law is not perfect , Resulting in many offenders are not dealing with the phenomenon, so that people doubt the legitimacy and effectiveness of the law. Chinese law in order to overcome the crisis of faith, the need to strengthen legal education, while improving the quality of legislation and implementation of administration according to law and justice, and help build the success of the rule of law.

Key words:legal belief,Crisis,The rule of law

目 录    5700字
摘要    I
Abstract    II
前  言    1
一、    法律信仰的概念及法治价值    1
二、当代中国法律信仰的危机及其根源    2
(一)当代中国法律信仰危机的体现    2
(二)当代中国法律信仰危机的根源    3
三、当代我国如何培育法律信仰    3
(一)通过改善立法培育法律信仰    3
(二)通过司法改革培育法律信仰    4
(三)通过法律教育解决我国法律信仰问题    5
结 论    5
参考文献    7
致  谢    8
