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摘 要:医药广告作为市场经济中一种重要的经营手段,它的影响力和作用力既可以是正面的、积极的,也可以是负面的、消极的。医药产品的生产者和销售者可以运用医药广告对医药产品进行正面宣传,使消费者通过接触到的广告获得有效信息而购买使用该产品;同时也可以利用医药广告进行虚假宣传,误导消费者,甚至同其他生产者和销售者进行不正当竞争。目前,我国医药广告领域的问题仍是层出不穷,对于医药广告法律规制领域的研究却还远远不够,因此,为了维护市场经济的秩序,保护消费者的切实利益,探索如何完善我国的医药广告法律规制制度有着重大的意义。
Concerning the perfection of legal regulating medical ads
Abstract: Medical advertising as a market economy important business means, its influence and forces can be positive, can also be negative. The manufacture of medicinal products and sellers can apply medicine advertisement for pharmaceutical products for positive dissemination, make consumers through contacts to advertising acquire effective information and buy using this product. Also can use medical ads undertake false conduct propaganda, mislead consumers, even with other producers and sellers for unfair competition. At present, our country medicine advertising field problem is still emerge in endlessly, for pharmaceutical advertisement law regulation field research but also by far insufficient, therefore, in order to maintain the market economic order, protecting consumers' practical profits and explores how to perfect our medical ads legal regulating system is of great significance.
Key words: Medical ads ;illegal ;Legal regulation;perfect ;