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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK78470 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78470
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摘  要:商标的合理使用是指在一定条件下,法律允许善意第三人使用商标权人商标的权利,而不需经过商标权人的许可,也不需支付对价。该制度也是商标权限制的重要方面,是平衡商标权人与广大公众之间利益的重要制度,也是解决侵权纠纷的重要原则。目前世界许多国家对此都有明确的法律规定,而我国《商标法》中对商标合理使用制度并没有明确规定,也没有条款对商标专用权进行特别限制,只是在行政法规的层面加以规范,并且存在法律效力等级偏低,类型单一等不足,落后于实践的发展,因此我国应采取一定措施建构完善的商标合理使用制度。

On Construction of Fair Use System of Trademark Right
Abstract:The reasonable use refers to a trademark on certain condition, the law allows third person use a trademark owner trademark rights, but don't need to pass a trademark owner's permission, also do not need to pay for price. This system is an important aspect of trademark rights restrictions, with our trademark, who is a balance between the interests of the public, but also an important system solve important principles of infringement disputes. Now that many countries in the world have specific legal provisions of the trademark law, but our country of trademark rational utilization system did not make clear a regulation, no terms for trademarks are especially limited, just in administrative regulations to regulate the levels, and existing legal effectiveness level is low, such as a single type of insufficient, behind the development of practice, therefore our country should take some measures to construct perfect trademark reasonably using the system.
Key words:Trademark; fair use; defects; construction


