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摘 要:地区垄断是我国的行政垄断中最为常见的一种垄断形式。学界一般认为地区垄断行为是指地方政府及其职能部门通过行政权力建立市场壁垒的行为。但行政垄断并不能涵盖地区垄断的全部特征,因为在有些情况下,实施地区市场封锁,限制产品竞争的可能是地方政府或其职能部门之外的主体。反垄断法在限制地区垄断方面的制度问题既是宪政问题,也是经济法实施的重大理论和实践问题。我国反垄断法在限制地区垄断方面的立法,司法,执法上仍然存在不少不合理之处,本文拟对此展开讨论,重点对反垄断法在限制地区垄断方面的制度完善进行说明。
The legal Consideration about how to limit the regional monopolies
Abstract: Regional monopolies of administrative monopoly is the most common form of a monopoly in China. Academic areas is generally believed that monopoly is the functional departments of local governments and their executive powers through the establishment of market barriers to behavior. But the administrative monopoly can not cover all the characteristics of regional monopolies, because in some cases, the implementation of regional market blockades, restrictions of competition may be the product or its local government functions outside the body. Restricted areas of antitrust monopoly in the legislative, judicial, law enforcement there are still many unreasonable, this article this discussion, focusing on antitrust monopoly in the restricted areas described in the System Improvement.
Key words: Regional monopolies; limit; legal Consideration