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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712236 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712236
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摘 要
全文共分三个章节: :第一部分是对李斯特《匈牙利狂想曲》作品的整体概述。主要包括匈牙利狂想曲的起源和历史发展沿革以及对匈牙利狂想曲整体音乐风格特性的综述。第二部分,先对民族音乐元素的概念进行界定,再分析《匈牙利狂想曲第12首》中的音乐语言对民族音乐元素运用的体现。第三部分:结合自已演奏体会与研究,主要从调式及和声特点、节奏特点及音乐形象转化以及踏板使用等方面分析其演奏特点。


    Franz liszt is the great Hungarian pianist, composer and conductor, critics and music player of romantic period and he is also one of the typical representative of the romantic period. Throughout his life, the pursuit of freedom and equality, in the artistic creation on the innovative spirit is reflected in the works. The outstanding Hungarian piano technology development to unparalleled degree, make more music expressive piano playing, even tried to use the piano to create sound effects to the orchestra. His piano music enthusiasm, grand and pure poetry, to the late 19th century and the future development of music has played a indelible influence. The Hungarian rhapsodies of nineteen he created, with its strong national colors and bold innovation sensation of pop music, became one of the representative work of liszt
\"Hungarian rhapsody first 12\" is his representative nineteen rhapsody in, to express the composer of the heart to the people to the motherland infinite love and miss, he will be colorful piano technique and full of the flavor of ethnic music content, the combination of liszt is eloquent, technique creation concept. In this paper, liszt's \"Hungarian rhapsody first 12\" as the research object, based on the literature of liszt Hungarian rhapsody research, combined with denis polyakov, mir assorted temple and so on several interpretations of liszt's work has the representative works and the author's own experience of playing the piano, more in-depth analysis of the works.
The full text is divided into three chapters: the first part is about the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt overall overview of the work. Mainly includes the origin and historical development of Hungarian rhapsody evolution as well as to the Hungarian rhapsody review of whole music style characteristics. The second part, first to define the concept of national music element, then analysis in \"Hungarian rhapsody first 12\" music language reflects on the use of the national music elements. The third part: combining own playing experience and research, mainly from the mode and characteristics of the harmonic characteristics and music, rhythm and image transformation and pedal use to analyze its performance characteristics.

Keywords: liszt. The Hungarian rhapsody no. 12 "  Historical background   National elements  Performance characteristics

目 录
绪论     4                               
一、匈牙利狂想曲概述    5
(一)狂想曲的起源与历史沿革    5
(二)匈牙利狂想曲的总体风格    5
二、《匈牙利狂想曲第十二首》中民族音乐元素运用的分析    8
(一)民族音乐元素的界定    8
     (二)匈牙利的主要民族音乐风格分析 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••8
三、《匈牙利狂想曲第十二首》的演奏特点    12
(一)节奏特点及表现方式    12
(二)民族调式及和声特点的体现    14
(三)音乐形象转换中民族风格的体现    15
(四)踏板的配合对于音乐形象的加强    15
结语    16
参考文献    17

