来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK79212 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK79212

目前还没有权威性的说明来描述完善的电子商务系统应该由那些部分组成。因为电子商务覆盖的范围十分广泛,从我们的实践来看必须针对具体的应用才能描述清楚系统结构。从总体上来看,电子商务系统是三层框架结构,底层是网络平台,是数据传输运送者和使用者打开的方法,它传送平台和传送包括各种各样的方式;中间是电子商务基础平台,包括CA(Certificate Authority)认证、支付网关(Payment Gateway)和客户服务中心三个部分,它的真正的核心是CA认证;而第三层是各种不同的电子商务应用系统,电子商务基础平台是每个类型的电子商务应用系统基础。 因为电子商务是用电子的方法和网络在进行商务活动,通常参与者是不会会面的,因此身份认实与通信的安全性很重要,解决方案就是建立中立的、权威的、公正的电子商务认证中心--CA认证中心,它所承担的角色类似于网络上的"公安局"和"工商局",给个人、企业单位和政府机构签发数字证书--"网上身份证",使用这个来确认电子商务活动中每个人的身份,并通过加密解密方法实现网络数据安全交换与安全交易。 附件2:外文原文(复印件) Which parts should a perfect electronic commerce system include, at present does not have authority’s elaboration. Looked from ours practice, because the electronic commerce cover scope is extremely widespread, therefore must aim at the concrete application to be able to describe the clear system overhead construction. Looked from the overall that, the electronic commerce system is three portal frame constructions, the first floor is the network platform, is method which the information transmission carrier and the user turns on, it transmits the platform and the transfer method including various physics; Among is the electronic commerce foundation platform, (Certificate Authority) authenticates, pays the gateway including CA (Payment Gateway) and the customer service center three parts, its true core is the CA authentication; But third is various electronic commerce application system, the electronic commerce foundation platform is each kind of electronic commerce application system foundation. Because electronic commerce is carries on the commercial activity with the electronic way and the network, usually participates in all quarters is does not meet mutually, therefore the status confirmation and the safe correspondence changes extremely importantly, the solution is establishes neutral, the authority, the fair e-business certification center --CA authentication center, it undertakes the role is similar in the network "police station" and "bureau of industry and commerce", for individual, business unit and the government apparatus signs and issues on the digital certificate -- "net ID card", uses for to confirm in the electronic commerce activity respective status, and through adds on the decipher method realization network the safe exchange of information and the security transaction. |