来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK79211 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK79211

所有年龄的国际旅客的疾病预防 每年全世界都有数百万的旅客去北美旅行。多数人因较小的小病病倒,但有很少的罹患严重的疾病。大多数的人被粘于旅程并遭遇垃圾危险。 但是保护你自己, 你仍然需要知道你可能遭受什么疾病。对于任何单独的旅客的危险依据你所做的你去哪,和你停留多久。如果你黄昏后在户外在乡下的区域中远足或者露营,在街道小摊吃,饮自来水,或不遵循预防性的建议,你将会使自己处于巨大发烦恼之中。你出去愈长,是你将会变得不舒服的机会也愈高。 患上严重的疾病的大部分的人或是住在国外有很长的一段时间的学生,或是回到他们父母的起源国家孩子,或军队或者不做必需的预防的大使馆人员的亲戚,和平军团志愿者或家庭。 旅客在北美、西方欧洲的国家,和亚洲的发展中国家,需要知道的能用一个句子概述: 你吃的和喝的要小心,预防接种,而且当心蚊子。 最高的危险来自于污染的食物和水。许多浮于水面的疾病引起严重的腹泻。你也会由于游泳,跋涉,或在含有寄生虫的淡水中洗涤而传染。最好的政策是总是一直穿着你的鞋子而且不在淡水中游泳或者跋涉。 确定你完全被预防接种对抗美国北部的标准疫苗/可避免的疾病。一些疾病--麻疹、小儿麻痹症、百日咳--在其他的国家中发生。在家很稀有的疾病可能是你要去那里经常发生的。在你离开之前,你能借助服用预防的药或者接受一种疫苗预防他们其中的一些。 许多疾病在热带和亚热带通过蚊子传播。在薄暮期间到破晓数小时,尽可能呆在户内遮蔽的区域中,你一定在你的皮肤和衣服上使用丁咬排斥物,和使用蚊帐。 对待水 煮沸 外文原文(复印件) Disease Prevention for International Travelers of All Ages Millions of North Americans travel internationally every year. Many come down with minor ailments, but few suffer serious disease. Most people stick to tourist itineraries and are at litter risk. But to protect yourself, you still need to know what diseases you may be exposed to. The risk for any individual traveler depends on what you do, where you go, and how long you stay. If you hike or camp in rural areas, eat from street vendors, spend time outdoors after dusk, drink tap water, or otherwise do not follow preventive advice you will be exposing yourself to a vast array of bugs. The longer you are away, the higher are the chances that you'll get sick. Most of those who catch serious diseases are either students living abroad for a long time, children returning to their parents' country of origin to visit with relatives, Peace Corps volunteers, or families of military or embassy personnel who do not follow necessary precautions. What travelers to countries outside of North America, Western Europe, and the developed nations of Asia need to know can be summarized in one sentence: be careful of what you eat and drink, get vaccinated, and beware of mosquitoes. The highest risk is from contaminated food and water. Many waterborne diseases cause severe diarrhea. You can also be infected by swimming, wading, or washing in fresh water that contains parasites. The best policy is to always keep your shoes on and don't swim or wade in fresh water. Make sure you are fully vaccinated against the standard vaccine/preventable diseases in north America. Some of these diseases-measles, polio, pertussis-occur in other countries. Diseases that are rare at home may be common where you are going. You can prevent some of them by taking preventive medicine or receiving a vaccine before you leave. |